BlogCEO From Penny’s Heart A Special Message from the Heart of Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny…Penny NanceMarch 19, 2020
BlogPrayer For America (Day 112) – A Prayer Amidst Covid-19 Blessed is the man, and nation, who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways,…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 17, 2020
Washington March 16 Prayer Action Alert: Call the Governor to Veto the Sex Ed Bill! Over the past three months, I have been raising the alarm concerning SB 5395, the…Maureen RichardsonMarch 16, 2020
BlogFeminist / Women's IssuesNews and EventsSexual ExploitationSocial / Cultural IssuesWomen's Sports The NCAA’s Black Eye in Women’s Sports Concerned Women for America's Vice President of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, wrote the following piece…Doreen DennyMarch 13, 2020
BlogLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSanctity of LifeUncategorized House Republicans Force Floor Vote on Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act At the end of February, on the heels of the U.S. Senate’s two pro-life votes,…Jaime BallewMarch 12, 2020
BlogNews and EventsSanctity of Life Why the Global Protect Life Rule Is Right for the U.S. and Nations Around the World CWA’s Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Shea Garrison, has just collaborated with Susan B.…Dr. Shea GarrisonMarch 12, 2020
Blog Protected: LGBTQ+ Education at Virginia Tech This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below: Password:Mario Diaz, Esq.March 10, 2020
Pennsylvania Postponed: CWA of Pennsylvania Tri-County Event Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania is following the federal and state guidance concerning COVID-19.…Dilonna CoranMarch 10, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events Pro-Life Victory in the Ninth Circuit? The impact of President Donald Trump’s success in the appointment of judges, not only at…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 9, 2020
Illinois Your Voice is Needed: Illinois Poised to Offer Inclusive Pre- K-12 Comprehensive Sex Education The two mandated sex-education bills below have been introduced into the Illinois House and Senate. …Deborah LeiningerMarch 8, 2020
North Carolina Update! Looking for Volunteers: Encourage-A-Legislator Prayer Project Update! EAL delayed slightly and more volunteers still needed! Because of the many closings due…Jill CowardMarch 6, 2020
BlogCase VaultLegalNews and EventsSanctity of Life Abortion Extremism on Display at the Supreme Court June Medical Services v. Russo oral arguments at the Supreme Court. This week the United…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 6, 2020
BlogInternationalNews and EventsSupport for IsraelSupport for Israel CWA International: This Week in Washington, Support for Israel Support for Israel AIPAC Policy Conference CWA International had the privilege of attending AIPAC’s (American…Ashley TraficantMarch 6, 2020
BlogLegalLouisianaNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUS Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Demonstrators Meet outside the Supreme Court One of our amazing Young Women for America college chapter presidents, Lillian Knight, LSU, participated…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMarch 5, 2020
BlogNews and EventsSanctity of Life Could Debate Over Louisiana Abortion Law have Implications for Kentucky? The following news story aired this week on Spectrum 1 Newschannels. Click link to watch…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMarch 5, 2020
BlogNews and EventsSanctity of Life Sancha Smith at the Protect Women Rally at SCOTUS CWA of Louisiana's Sancha Smith delivers her remarks on the steps of the U.S. Supreme…Carly BeckerMarch 4, 2020
BlogSanctity of Life Penny Nance at the Protect Women Rally at SCOTUS Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), delivers her remarks on…Carly BeckerMarch 4, 2020
Washington March 4 Prayer/Action Alert: Calls Needed on Sex Ed Bill! I first want to thank all of you who have diligently contacted state legislators about…Maureen RichardsonMarch 4, 2020
BlogNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life Concerned Women for America to add its voice to ‘Protect Women – Protect Life’ rally on steps of SCOTUS, Wednesday, March 4 WASHINGTON — Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA), will join…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMarch 4, 2020