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Magnify Your Voice – Lead a Movement – Impact Culture

As a Young Women for America leader, you have the unique opportunity to lead your generation of Christian, conservative women to protect and promote Biblical values and conservative principles on your campus and in your community. Concerned Women for America’s Young Women for America initiative focuses on prayer, education, and action through the leadership of our Campus Chapter Presidents and our Ambassadors.

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Why Join Young Women for America?

Wheaton College’s YWA Chapter President Hayden Sledge recently wrote about the importance of the Young Women for America program. “YWA is a community for politically conservative, Christian women in college,” stated Hayden. “Young Women for America seeks to create a community for like-minded women to engage and depend on one another. There is something special and empowering about a group designed especially for Christian women. Not only does Young Women for America seek to foster members’ knowledge of political issues, but to also grow their faith.”

Read Hayden’s full article here.

Check your state on the map below to see if there is a
YWA chapter on your campus.

Young Women for America
Take On the Issues


Latest YWA News

Title IX: The Fight for Truth

By Tori Brawner, YWA Ambassador at Boyce College On June 23, 1972, President Richard Nixon signed into law Title IX of the Educational Amendments to prevent discrimination between the two

Female Athletes Deserve Respect

In an op-ed published by The Daily Caller, Young Women for America Ambassador Caitlin Abbott in Oregon points out the disheartening inclusion of a male athlete in the state’s high