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Action Center:
Protecting Vulnerable Children

Federal legislation has been introduced and endorsed by CWALAC to ban experimental transgender treatments and surgeries on minors and to protect taxpayers from paying for them.

“Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) agrees children who struggle with identity should be protected from harmful ‘gender reassignment’ medical practices causing serious health risks, irreversible damage, and increasingly, regret. Minors are incapable of giving informed consent to destructive medical interventions degrading their development and sterilizing their bodies,” said Doreen Denny, CWALAC Vice President of Government Relations. “Unfortunately, the Big Gender market is more interested in profit than ethical practice. CWALAC applauds Rep LaMalfa’s proposals standing against the medical mutilation of minors in the name of ‘gender confirmation,’ and the use of federal tax dollars to finance radical gender reassignment interventions.”
Please contact your members of Congress urging them to support two important bills protecting children.

CWA Resources

NIH Research – Gender Dysphoric Youth – Update Sept 2021
Protecting Vulnerable Children from Medical Harm
CWA Gender Identity Talking Points 2021
Promise for America’s Children-Endorsed by CWA

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