PhilanthroCorp has helped thousands of families create wills and trusts that meet their goals, save taxes, and support ministries about which they care.
We do not sell products or insurance; we will simply study your information and develop an estate plan that will maximize your goals for family and ministry while minimizing taxes.
Personalized Assistance
PhilanthroCorp will help you easily and completely understand everything about your options to reach your goals of providing for family and ministries about which you care.
Everyone Can Benefit
Estate planning is for everyone, regardless of whether you have a lot or a little. The benefit will be to your loved ones and the charities you care most about.
Completing your estate planning process will relieve the tension in your mind, knowing that life is uncertain and the nagging worry that your affairs may need to be brought up-to-date. Experience the joy and relief of knowing you are leaving the legacy you desire
Simplifying the Complexity of Estate Planning
PhilanthroCorp will help you identify your important relationships and resources and then recommend the most effective tools to ensure that your family is well cared for and that you leave the legacy you choose.
- The process begins with a phone interview where PhilanthroCorp asks questions to learn your story, including your wishes and hopes for future generations.
- PhilanthroCorp then provides tools that can guide you to legacy decisions within the privacy of your home.
- Based on those decisions, PhilanthroCorp will design a plan that will be refined through a series of phone conversations and then ultimately implemented by your attorney or an attorney that PhilanthroCorp can refer you to.
For Your Initial Call With Philanthrocorp
Please have in mind estimated values for:
- Assets like real estate, vehicles, special possessions
- Life insurance
- Retirement
- Other investments and savings
To take advantage of this opportunity to gain professional assistance from a Biblical perspective, please submit the contact form below.
Need to know more?
The team at PhilanthroCorp is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this service or to provide more information. Give us a call at 800-876-7958 or email us.
The estate specialists at PhilanthroCorp will guide you through a discovery process that will consider your assets, the people and the ministries that are dependent upon you. They will help you understand such issues as probate and taxes and will address tools such as wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advance medical directives. Through their services, your inheritance will be structured to stand the best chance of helping the ones who are most dear to you.

“I have been giving to CWA for over 15 years and I know that they are a fabulous organization that is doing the greater good for our country!! CWA is working hard to make a change & to impact our culture. Penny Nance is a fighter for all concerned women that want to bring back our traditional values in these troubling times. She and her team are empowering women both young & old from the USA & around the world to make a difference!! That difference is why I support them & hope you will too!!”
– Donna M., Texas
Do you have any other questions?
We’d love to hear from you! You can email us at
info@cwfa.org OR call us at (202) 488-7000.