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From Penny’s Heart

By March 19, 2020Blog, CEO
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A Special Message from the Heart of Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance.

Hello everyone, this is Penny Nance. I’m just pausing because I have this strong message on my heart. I’m stopping right where I am to record this because I just want people to hear it. And particularly for the elderly in our country to understand this.

What I want you to know is that, in this country, we support the intrinsic value of every human life. And that is regardless of whether or not you are eight days in the womb or eighty-eight in age.

We are here as a nation, coming together in support of you. So much so, that we are willing to stay home from our jobs, some of us are losing our businesses, some of us are in deep financial straits. Our economy is in the tank. But when we put it all side by side with our choices, the President is 100 percent right. We value you!

We value you with a compromised immune system. We value you who have aids or who have cancer or who are very sick for some other reason. We value you, and at Concerned Women for America, we will fight for you!

We do not know how long this will go on. But we will fight for every person, no matter their age, to receive care. We will sacrifice personally to make sure you get it. We believe in Psalm 139, that God knit you together in your mother’s womb, and this is not a surprise to Him.

So, understand that the pro-life community is pro-life no matter what point in life you are. We are here for you. We are here to fight for you.

So please don’t be afraid. Please understand that there is grief around all of this because there is deep sacrifice. People are scared. It makes us feel out of control. We feel a little angry as we watch the stock prices go down and we know what that means for people’s jobs. Those two things, those two principles: the grief of what is happening in our country, the loss of freedom, honestly (our kids can’t go to school, we can’t go to church, we can’t go to work), all the things we can’t do can exist alongside our love for you. Those two things can exist at the same time, and they do!

But I want you to hear me when I speak for Concerned Women for America and for pro-life people around this country, that we are here for you. Let us know what you need. Our kids are all home. We’d love to send them over to the grocery store for you and then put them on the front porch so that you don’t have to trade germs with anyone.

Let those of us who are able, help take care of others. This might mean taking people into our homes at some point. This is a long-term problem. But we’re in this together and this is a great opportunity for the church to be the Church. To share the hope that is within us.

Because we do not put our faith in horses and chariots, it says in the Bible, but our hope is in a risen God. And in the future that He holds. None of this is a surprise to God. He remains on His throne in heaven. He is not shocked by any of this. He is still in control. And until we are taken home to Him, we will serve. In whatever way that is. And we will speak for the least of these.

So, again, this is Penny Nance with Concerned Women for America. I just had to share this message that’s deeply on my heart. I’m outside. I was on my way somewhere; I had to pause and share this thought with you.

God bless you. We love you. We’re in this together. Come to for prayer points, for notes of encouragement, for content for homeschool moms, or content for college students or any of us who just want to learn something while we’re at home.

We are going to make sure that we are leaning into this moment.

Thank you and God bless you.