News and EventsPrayer For America (Prayer 129) Heavenly Father,We come before You full of gratitude For all the wonderful blessingsYou give us.We know that…Emma JachimowiczAugust 23, 2023
News and EventsPrayer For America (Prayer 128) Lord,Thank You for the Christian principles That founded this country and a history ofFaithful Christians…Megan StallingsAugust 14, 2023
LBBNews and Events The DOJ Just Can’t Quit Trump – This Is What the Founders Warned About How much money, time, effort and resources has our government spent going after Donald J.…Mario Diaz, Esq.August 10, 2023
News and EventsPrayer For America (Prayer 127) – A Prayer for Abortionists Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for your sovereigntyAnd for the grace that You extend to everyone. Today, I’d like to prayFor abortionists…Aspen RobisonAugust 8, 2023
News and EventsUncategorized For America (Prayer 126) – A Prayer for Justice at Justice In times of trouble, we turn to You LORDAnd in trouble we are.Turn Your gaze…Mario Diaz, Esq.August 2, 2023
BlogCultureDefense of FamilyNews and EventsSex Trafficking / PornographySexual Exploitation What to do with The Sound of Freedom The Sound of Freedom exposes the gripping reality of the horror and abuse that millions…Shelby BarrowJuly 25, 2023
Defense of FamilySexual Exploitation Missing the Target By now, you are probably familiar with Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) “Toss Target” campaign.…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 2, 2023
LBBLegalNews and EventsReligious Liberty Memorandum of Law Re: Constitutional Protections of Religious Expressions in Public Schools School officials should be aware of the United States Department of Education’s (ED) latest Guidance…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 19, 2023
LBBNews and EventsPrayer For America (Prayer 124) Strength, Oh LORD our God,Give us strength to endureThese evil times where so manyHave forgotten…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 9, 2023
Defense of FamilyLBBLegalNews and EventsSexual Exploitation The Most Destructive Movement in America Must Be Fought With Inward Truth It is hard to think of a more damaging movement than the transgender militantism being…Mario Diaz, Esq.April 28, 2023
LBBNews and Events Another Reason for the COVID-19 Closure Craze Sadly, the COVID-19 period of American history will be studied for generations. Significant politicization of…Mario Diaz, Esq.April 25, 2023
MediaNews and EventsSanctity of LifeUncategorized Setback on Safety of Women’s Health SCOTUS decision to allow abortion pill’s distribution to continue is disappointing and dangerous For Immediate Release …CWA Communications TeamApril 21, 2023
Missouri CWA of Missouri Hosting Bill Federer Events in May 2023 Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri is excited to announce the Bill Federer Missouri…Tracy DouganApril 3, 2023
Faith MonthLBBNews and EventsReligious Liberty Join In! Tell Your Church Leaders About Faith Month Here is a sample email/letter you can use to let your pastors and church leaders…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 31, 2023
Faith MonthLBBNews and EventsReligious Liberty Wondrous Working Faith I did not expect such a small church to have such a massive impact on…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 20, 2023
LBBLegalNews and EventsReligious Liberty This April, Celebrate Faith—We Need It “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 9, 2023
EducationLBBNews and Events You Gotta Love Educational Savings Accounts ESAs, as they are known, empower parents to make the best choice for their children's…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 3, 2023
Texas EVENT! Faith and Family Day at the State Capitol Join Concerned Women for America of Texas and our allies for Faith and Family Day…Ann HettingerFebruary 24, 2023
Texas CWA of Texas Faith and Faith Day Dinner – Register Today! FAITH AND FAMILY DAY DINNER REGISTER TODAY! Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas invites…Ann HettingerFebruary 13, 2023
LBBNews and Events Why is He Yelling? Reflections on the 2023 State of the Union Address You usually yell when people can't hear you. Perhaps that is why President Joe Biden…Mario Diaz, Esq.February 8, 2023