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By now, you are probably familiar with Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) “Toss Target” campaign. Recently, CWA CEO and President Penny Nance recorded a very popular social media video encouraging all our members to Toss Target for the month of June. I hope you are joining in the campaign!

I understand many of you think you might miss Target, but I want to reassure you that your small sacrifice in this matter is well worth it. This year, Target is not only “missing the target” on issues of LGBTQ+ indoctrination; they have also suddenly aligned themselves with Satanist themes in their efforts to promote PRIDE Month.

You read that right. For this year’s PRIDE campaign, Target knocked on the door of the Abprallen brand, fully aware of the designer’s “Satanist-inspired merchandise.” The designer has a unique style that includes Satanist imagery and glorified violence against all “transphobes.”

Though Target did not sell the designer’s popular pins featuring a goat head and the phrase “Satan Respects Pronouns,” or the “We Bash Back” medieval mace one, or the “Transphobe Collector” death skull, or the “Homophobe Headrest” guillotine one,  it commissioned some items in the similar style. They included the “Cure Transphobia, Not Trans People” sweatshirt and the “Too Queer for Here” tote bag. They’ve tried to walk it back, while still supporting it.

The marriage of LGBTQ+ ideology and Satanism is not new. We saw it in full display at Sam Smith’s most recent Grammy performance of “Unholy,” where he donned a full devil suit with horns coming out of his top hat.

The ideologies share a common enemy: Christ, which is why Christians, the Church, the body of Christ on Earth are prime targets of its disdain.

What should, then, be our response?

I look at David’s indignation before Goliath, asking who is this that “he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26). I think of the disciples and how they were threatened and ordered “not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:18) and how boldly they responded lifting the name of the Lord. I think of Paul’s bold declaration that he is “not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Is it too much to ask of us to “Toss Target” for a month? Surely not.

So let us stand and be counted. Earthly suffering is no disincentive to lifting the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ. With the apostles, let us rejoice at the thought of being counted worthy to suffer for Christ (Acts 5:41). Yes, let there be no doubt; those who hate Jesus and His holy precepts should know they are to hate us too. For with Him we stand.

We should love our enemies still, as we are commanded. But we should not assist in the mocking our Lord. May it never be!