Legislative UpdatesNational SovereigntyNews and Events CWALAC Holds the Line to Defend Election Integrity In the latest attempt to institute a federal takeover of our elections, House Democrats recently…Ashley FosterJanuary 14, 2022
News and EventsReligious Liberty Nance on SCOTUS Vaccine Mandate Decisions WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Supreme Court of the United States today struck down the Biden…Penny NanceJanuary 13, 2022
BriefsCase VaultGorsuchLBBLegalNews and Events Sensible Supreme Court Opinion Halts Vaccine Mandate In a “per curiam” opinion, meaning a decision authored by the entire Court, instead of…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 13, 2022
InternationalNews and EventsSupport for Israel Bipartisan caucus on Abraham Accords established On January 10, 2022, the bipartisan Abraham Accords caucus was established in the United States…Neydy Casillas, Esq.January 13, 2022
News and EventsSanctity of Life Dr. Robert Califf’s record coronates him king of chemical abortion Today, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee (HELP) is set to vote on…Penny NanceJanuary 13, 2022
DobbsNews and EventsSanctity of Life Praying for Dobbs Concerned Women for America Six Month Spiritual Engagement for Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health The…Tanya DittyDecember 30, 2021
North Dakota Register for North Dakota’s Pro-Life Conference Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota invites you to attend the 2022 North…Linda ThorsonDecember 22, 2021
DobbsLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUSSubstack Indefensible Roe – The Scientific Track Do not believe your lying eyes. This (pictured above) is not a baby. No sir.…Mario Diaz, Esq.December 21, 2021
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSanctity of Life FDA Opens Door for Unsupervised Abortion-By-Mail The Food and Drug Administration has decided to remove safeguards surrounding the abortion pill –…Jacklyn WashingtonDecember 20, 2021
News and EventsSanctity of Life Concerned Women for America urges FDA to reverse course on chemical abortion restriction removal Today, the FDA announced its permanent removal of the “in-person dispensing requirement” for Mifepristone. This…Katie EverettDecember 16, 2021
Defense of FamilyLegislative UpdatesNews and Events New! CWA Fact Sheet: Build Back Better Act Shuts Out Faith-Based Providers Concerned Women for America's new fact sheet explains how the Democrat’s massive multi-trillion dollar social…Ashley FosterDecember 16, 2021
News and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Denny in Newsweek: The Biden Administration is Sending Title IX to the Ash Heap of History A biologically male athlete at the University of Pennsylvania is smashing NCAA women's swimming records.…Katie EverettDecember 16, 2021
CWA of TexasDobbsLBBLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUS Supreme Court Releases Opinions in Texas Abortion Law Cases As we discussed recently, the state of Texas presented a novel problem to the United…Mario Diaz, Esq.December 10, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsReligious Liberty Bipartisan Senate Majority Bucks Biden’s Private Sector Vaccine Mandate On December 8, 2021, a bipartisan majority in the U.S. Senate voted 52-48 to invalidate…Ashley FosterDecember 9, 2021
Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events Nance in Townhall: The One Area Where Youngkin Should Follow Former Govs. McAuliffe and Northam’s Lead Parents’ rights in education won Glenn Youngkin (Republican) the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election. Now, in…Katie EverettDecember 9, 2021
Missouri CWA of Missouri Celebrates Removal of NDAA Provision Drafting Our Daughters Concerned Women for America of Missouri (CWA) thanks Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Rep. Vicky…Bev EhlenDecember 9, 2021
DraftNews and Events Good News!! Don’t Draft our Daughters Wins the Day With the Biden Administration and a partisan majority on Capitol Hill pushing destructive policies at…Doreen DennyDecember 9, 2021
Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events CWA Stands with Religious School and Parents Today, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Carson v. Makin. The case…Katie EverettDecember 8, 2021
DraftNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress Releases CWALAC Celebrates Removal of NDAA Provision Drafting Our Daughters For Immediate Release December 7, 2021 Contact: Katie Everett, Press Secretary comms@cwfa.org CWALAC Celebrates Removal…Katie EverettDecember 7, 2021
DobbsNews and Events Webinar: What’s Next for Dobbs v. Jackson? Several thousand pro-life supporters rallied and prayed outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday, December 1,…Tanya DittyDecember 3, 2021