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CWA Stands with Religious School and Parents

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Today, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Carson v. Makin. The case involves a Maine tuition assistance program that discriminates against religious institutions. As Concerned Women for America (CWA) explains in its brief, the case involves serious violations of religious freedoms. The program takes important educational decisions away from families in Maine, treating parents who desire a religious education for their children like second-class citizens.

CWA CEO and President Penny Nance said:

“This state infringes on foundational constitutional rights by denying tuition assistance based on a family’s desire to raise their children according to their faith. Maine’s law seeks to remove religious institutions from the education choices of parents and families who reside there. Parents should have freedom when it comes to their children’s education, whether secular or religious.

“A school’s eligibility to receive funds should not be contingent on the educational institution’s religious beliefs. The state of Maine should honor funds promised in the tuition assistance program regardless of the educational choice of the parent.”