BlogNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodSanctity of LifeSexual Exploitation Let’s unite to support justice for the millions of brave women who’ve survived sexual assault This week I am scheduled to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee to examine federal…CWALAC StaffJuly 18, 2018
BlogNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation President Trump signs anti-sex-trafficking bill Washington, D.C. — This morning, President Trump signed H.R. 1865, the Allow States and Victims to Fight…CWALAC StaffApril 11, 2018
BlogNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Senate Passed the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act Washington, D.C. — Penny Young Nance, the CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, issued the…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2018
BlogNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation Senate Passed the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) Washington, D.C. — Penny Young Nance, the CEO and President of Concerned Women for America,…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2018
LegalNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Not Your Grandfather’s Pornography: the Problem, the Harm, and a Policy Response As the country wrestles with the widespread problem of sexual assault (as embodied in the…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 13, 2018
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and EventsSexual Exploitation International Women’s Day: Is #MeToo Yesterday’s Hashtag, or Will it Bring True Change? Five months out from the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the subsequent launch of #MeToo, we…CWALAC StaffMarch 8, 2018
BlogHouse Legislative UpdatesLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSenate Legislative UpdatesSexual Exploitation Another Hard-fought Victory This Week – Sex Trafficking This week the House passed a sex trafficking bill (H.R. 1865) that would allow state…Jaime BallewMarch 2, 2018
LBBLegalSex Trafficking / PornographySexual Exploitation Nassar Case Demonstrates Harms of Pornography The pornography cancer that continues to consume our nation reared its ugly head again as…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 26, 2018
BlogSexual Exploitation Congress: Back in Black? The Golden Globe Awards show was viewed by 19 million people, and many women in…CWALAC StaffJanuary 24, 2018
BlogDefense of FamilySexual Exploitation Playboy and the Way of the World It is the way of the world that corporations tend to be corrupted as each…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2018
BlogNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Anita Hill is not Hollywood’s answer. Her ‘they all do it’ defense of Clinton doesn’t fly. Aspiring actresses and Hollywood career women may have cheered when they heard Show Biz execs tapped…Penny NanceDecember 20, 2017
BlogSexual Exploitation His Standard of Righteousness Lately, we have seen so many situations involving people stepping down from their positions because…CWALAC StaffDecember 19, 2017
BlogCEONews and EventsSexual Exploitation Sexual Assault: A Free Pass for Congress? Another one bites the dust – this time, “Today Show” host Matt Lauer, whose firing…Penny NanceNovember 29, 2017
BlogNews and EventsSexual Exploitation #MeToo: Sexual harassment is bi-partisan Early on in my career, I briefly had a despicable boss who tried to manipulate…CWALAC StaffOctober 19, 2017
BlogCEONews and EventsSexual Exploitation This Is Why Liberal Women Are So Angry Watching the pitiful story of Harvey Weinstein unfold has been horrifying. The raw power the…Penny NanceOctober 17, 2017
BlogCEONews and EventsSexual Exploitation The Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Why Are So-Called Feminists Defending This Creep? Harvey Weinstein should go sign up for the dating website OkCupid and make sure he…Penny NanceOctober 7, 2017
BlogDefense of FamilyPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation Safe at Home Act Washington, D.C. — Today, Senators Blunt (R-Missouri) and Klobuchar (D-West Virginia) held a press conference to introduce…CWALAC StaffSeptember 28, 2017
BlogCEONews and EventsSexual Exploitation Yes, Hugh Hefner was a pioneer — in the objectification of women and the lie of the Playboy lifestyle While many in the press are hailing Hugh Hefner as a pioneer in his day…Penny NanceSeptember 28, 2017