Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events Nance in Townhall: The One Area Where Youngkin Should Follow Former Govs. McAuliffe and Northam’s Lead Parents’ rights in education won Glenn Youngkin (Republican) the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial election. Now, in…Katie EverettDecember 9, 2021
Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events CWA Stands with Religious School and Parents Today, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Carson v. Makin. The case…Katie EverettDecember 8, 2021
Defense of FamilyLegislative UpdatesNews and Events House Passes Biden’s Build Back Broke Plan Despite Americans’ Rejection The U.S. House of Representatives voted 220-213 on Friday morning to pass the so-called Build…Ashley FosterNovember 19, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsYWA Disturbing Astroworld incident is a reminder Disturbing Astroworld incident reminds us that the cultural battle we face is a spiritual battle…Deanna DroganNovember 17, 2021
Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events Nance in Fox News: Hey Joe Biden and Democrats, leave our kids and childcare alone In recent years, the American system of self-governance has shifted to an all-powerful watchdog that…Jacklyn WashingtonNovember 12, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and Events Nance to American men: “Put on a real pair of pants, and get a job” At a recent high-profile conservative conference, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) gave a speech in what…Jacklyn WashingtonNovember 12, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Concerned Women for America to DOJ: Knock it Off For Immediate Release October 12, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington Concerned Women for America to…Jacklyn WashingtonOctober 12, 2021
Defense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress Releases Concerned Women: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Unwise & Unconstitutional For Immediate Release September 14, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington 202-748-3501 Concerned Women: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 14, 2021
Defense of FamilyLBBNews and Events Do You Know Who is Teaching Your Children? America is changing. Perhaps you have noticed. Our cities, our communities, our schools do not…Mario Diaz, Esq.September 10, 2021
Defense of FamilyDraftLegislative UpdatesNews and Events Senate and House Committees Set Stage to Draft Our Daughters “Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor…Ashley FosterSeptember 3, 2021
Defense of FamilyLBBNews and Events Standing for the Logos You will find one of the most stunning mysteries of life in John 1:14. Καὶ ὁ…Mario Diaz, Esq.August 13, 2021
Defense of FamilyLBBNews and Events Get ‘Em While They’re Young The most innocuous category of our useless TV ratings system is TV-Y. According to the parental guidelines, it…Mario Diaz, Esq.August 6, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsSexual Exploitation CWA Responds to Viral Gay Chorus Video Sexualizing Children San Francisco’s Gay Men’s Chorus made headlines last week by posting a highly controversial video…Jacklyn WashingtonJuly 12, 2021
Defense of FamilyInternationalNews and EventsSexual Exploitation VP Kamala Harris’ Idea of Democracy: Abortion for All Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris participated at the Generation Equality Forum (GEF) with a…Neydy Casillas, Esq.July 6, 2021
Defense of FamilyLBBNews and Events I’ve Turned into My Old Preacher In my inaugural Substack exclusive, I wrote to you about the strategic targeting of our children…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 16, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and Events Taking Back the Rainbow This past weekend, hundreds of formerly LGBTQ-identifying individuals gathered in Washington, D.C. as part of…Jacklyn WashingtonJune 9, 2021
Defense of FamilyLBBNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Children on the Brink In the paragraphs that follow, I attempt the impossible. Few achieve the magical task of…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 8, 2021
CEODefense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsSanctity of Life Penny Nance on Cyber-attacks, Critical Race Theory, and the Impact on American families Penny Nance, our President and CEO, joined America's Voice Live to discuss the news of the…Penny NanceMay 10, 2021
Defense of FamilyNews and Events A Love Story Only God Could Write Our Chief Financial Officer, Denise Cappuccio, joined "Joy with Danette Crawford" this week to share…Tanya DittyMay 6, 2021
CEODefense of FamilyNews and EventsReligious Liberty Time To Stand Up To the Corporate Bullies By Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America The latest dust-up with…Penny NanceApril 20, 2021