Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases President Will Sign Executive Order on LGBTQ Employees in the Workplace FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 16, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE White…Rachel TaylorJune 16, 2014
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and Events Father’s Day: To all the good dads out there, thank you The television show "Modern Family" is a huge hit. In fact, it was just named…CWALAC StaffJune 14, 2014
BlogNews and EventsSupport for Israel Eighty-Eight Senators Stand for Israel In late April, Israel made the decision to suspend peace talks with the Palestinians when…CWALAC StaffJune 13, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Update: June 13, 2014 Support for Israel: This week, Sens. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) circulated a…Rachel TaylorJune 13, 2014
House Legislative UpdatesNews and Events House Legislative Update for June 13, 2014 Majority Leader Eric Cantor: In a shocking primary, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) lost to Professor…Rachel TaylorJune 13, 2014
Iowa State Director Tamara Scott Introduces CWA of Iowa on -The 98.3 Torch, Common Sense Radio Morning Drive with Robert Rees 6/12 Hour 4. Start listening at 25.05.State StaffJune 13, 2014
BlogNews and EventsReligious Liberty Sentenced to Death for Loving Christ Marches begin today at the White House to provoke President Obama to action in freeing…Patrina MosleyJune 12, 2014
LegalNews and Events Supreme Court Watch: HHS Mandate, Abortion Buffer Zones, Recess Appointments and More It is that time of the year. The Supreme Court is concluding its term which…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 12, 2014
North Dakota ND Choose Life June 11 E-Newsletter As both the State Director of CWA of North Dakota and the Chairman of ND…State StaffJune 12, 2014
Georgia Georgia Students Shackled to Five Year Common Core Test Over the past two years, CWA of Georgia has fought tirelessly alongside other activists in…State StaffJune 12, 2014
Wisconsin What Happened to the Voice of the People in Wisconsin? Dear CWA of Wisconsin Supporter, Federal Judge Barbara Crabb struck down Wisconsin’s ban on same-sex…State StaffJune 12, 2014
Iowa Hatewave Headed for Florida AG Pam Bondi – Let us Iowans Send Her Some Warm and Welcome Thoughts Instead Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi is a rare gem in the judicial arena. She continues…State StaffJune 9, 2014
Wisconsin PRESS RELEASE: Concerned Women for America of Wisconsin Responds to Wisconsin Marriage Ruling FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 9, 2014 CONTACT: Kim Simac 715-891-3207 Concerned Women for America…State StaffJune 9, 2014
North Carolina Our voices were heard! The North Carolina House and Senate Votes to Repeal Common Core Senate Bill 812 – Maintain State Authority Over Academic Standards and House Bill 1061 –…State StaffJune 6, 2014
TennesseeUncategorized CWA of Tennessee Amendment 1 Fact Card This is a short and concise resource on the basics of Amendment 1. It’s great…State StaffJune 6, 2014
Tennessee CWA of Tennessee Common Core Fact Card Now Available! This is a short and concise resource on the dangers of Common Core in Tennessee.…State StaffJune 6, 2014
BlogNews and Events 70 Years Later, We Remember the Importance of D-Day On this day in 1944, roughly 156,000 American, British, and Canadian forces stormed five beaches…Rachel TaylorJune 6, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Update: June 6, 2014 Free Speech: S. J. Res. 19, a resolution that seeks to alter the First Amendment,…Rachel TaylorJune 6, 2014
House Legislative UpdatesNews and Events House Legislative Update for June 6, 2014 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act: Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) worked with…Rachel TaylorJune 6, 2014
Florida Florida Attorney General Defends Marriage Do you feel like you only hear bad news anymore? Well not today! I have…State StaffJune 5, 2014