Click here to read the expert declaration of Dr. Laurence S. Mayer, M.D., Ph.D. “on…
Mario Diaz, Esq.April 30, 2019 reports on yesterday's press conference in support of an override of Gov. Cooper 'sveto…
Jill CowardApril 30, 2019
On this National Day of Prayer, Lord We call upon You—hasten to our aid! In…
Mario Diaz, Esq.April 30, 2019
Dear Friend, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Maine is joining other pro-life organizations and…
Penny MorrellApril 29, 2019
Dear Friend, Proponents of a Convention of States, also called a Constitutional Convention, Article 5…
Jill CowardApril 29, 2019
Judicial Watch: Gender Identity Law Declares War on Women, Forces Trans Men to be Accepted as Female
CWA's very own Shea Garrison highlighted in Judicial Watch Blog. Concerned Women for America, the…
CWALAC StaffApril 25, 2019
The Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka targeted Christians. Among the sites targeted were St.…
Mario Diaz, Esq.April 25, 2019
The 68th annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) is Thursday, May 2, 2019 – a day…
State StaffApril 24, 2019
Lord, we give You thanks For the marvelous works You have performed since the beginning.…
Mario Diaz, Esq.April 23, 2019
Concerned Women for America CEO & President Penny Nance stands for policies that support families…
CWFA StaffApril 23, 2019
Currently, there are multiple bills filed for consideration by the legislature this session which address…
Ann HettingerApril 22, 2019
Do you, or someone you know, live on the Big Island? Please join Concerned Women…
Barbara FerraroApril 22, 2019
Yes, we live in perilous times, that’s true. However, look up! Our redemption draweth nigh. Until Jesus comes…
Penny MorrellApril 18, 2019
HB 390, an application for Convention of States, is a very dangerous bill making its…
Jill CowardApril 18, 2019
The past two weeks have been very intense for both our State House and Senate…
Jill CowardApril 17, 2019
Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Carolina has just launched our annual Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL)…
Jill CowardApril 17, 2019
HB 390, an application for Convention of States, is a very dangerous bill making its…
Jill CowardApril 17, 2019
“The generous prosper and are satisfied. Those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs…
Maureen RichardsonApril 17, 2019