Missouri CWA of Missouri Thanks Ginger Yoak Please join me in thanking Ginger Yoak, Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri Encourage-A-Legislator…Tracy DouganJune 7, 2023
News and EventsSexual Exploitation A Biblical Response to the “Transing” of America. A sermon by Pastor Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, VirginiaJune 4, 2023Based on Romans 1 SERMON…Guest PostJune 6, 2023
North Dakota Join us to celebrate female athletes! Concerned Women for America of North Dakota and Independent Women’s Network of North Dakota are…Linda ThorsonJune 6, 2023
LBBNews and EventsPrayer For America (Prayer 125) For Your Name’s sake Lord, attend to our prayerLet us not be put to shameFor…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 5, 2023
Missouri June 24: Celebration of Life Day – “Keep Missouri Pro-Life” Celebration of Life Day“Keep Missouri Pro-Life”Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri recommends attending the…Tracy DouganJune 2, 2023
Missouri St. Louis Prayer/Action Chapter – Reps. Keathley and Oehlerking Legislative Update CWA of Missouri St. Louis Prayer/Action ChapterGuest Speakers Rep. Keathley and Rep. OehlerkingThe Concerned Women…Tracy DouganJune 2, 2023
Missouri Branson Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting June 20 Branson Prayer/Action ChapterPrinciple 23: The Importance of an Educated Electorate The Concerned Women (CWA) for…Tracy DouganJune 2, 2023
Missouri Springfield Prayer/Action Chapter Meeting June 17, 2023 Please mark your calendar to attend the Springfield Prayer/Action Chapter meeting on Saturday, June 17,…Tracy DouganJune 2, 2023
Defense of FamilySexual Exploitation Missing the Target By now, you are probably familiar with Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) “Toss Target” campaign.…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 2, 2023
Erasing WomenNews and EventsSexual ExploitationVulnerable Children LA Dodgers Take a Walk Before Striking Out It took a U.S. Senator’s clear message of exclusion and religious bigotry to prompt Major…Doreen DennyJune 1, 2023
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSanctity of Life Thank Sen. Tommy Tuberville for Standing for the Unborn Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) prefers being called Coach rather than Senator. This is largely because…Valerie BynogJune 1, 2023
News and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation Target’s Anti-Christian Bias Exposed in Letter to Corporate Executive For Immediate Release June 1, 2023Contact: comms@cwfa.org(202)488-7000 or (703)282-7320 MEDIA ADVISORY: Target’s Anti-Christian Bias Exposed…CWA Communications TeamJune 1, 2023
Louisiana Update! Action Needed: Preferred Pronoun Bill Is Moving HB81, an important bill relating to preferred pronouns and school policies on expressed gender, is…Laura HuberMay 31, 2023
Alabama We need YOUR voice to protect Alabama children! HB 298, a good bill to protect children from the harmful assault of pornography, will…Bobbi RadeckMay 30, 2023
DobbsMediaNews and EventsSanctity of Life Penny Nance on LIFE in a Post-Roe World On May 22, Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, joined Conversations…CWA Communications TeamMay 26, 2023
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Support the Women’s Bill of Rights We live in a world where the God-designed distinctions between the sexes are undermined and…Alexandra McPheeMay 25, 2023
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSanctity of Life Lessons from the Irish Pro-life Movement Concerned Women for America (CWA) met with Irish pro-life activists to discuss advancing the cause…Alexandra McPheeMay 25, 2023
Defense of FamilyEducationNews and Events Penny Nance Joins Fox Business To Discuss North Carolina Governor’s Education “State of Emergency” Earlier this week, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (Democrat) declared a “state of emergency” in…CWA Communications TeamMay 23, 2023
Louisiana Action Alert: Senate Committee to hear Don’t Harm Our Children Act Good news! HB648 (formally HB463, the “Don’t Harm Our Children Act,” sponsored by State Rep. Gabe Firment…Laura HuberMay 22, 2023
Defense of FamilyLegislative UpdatesNews and Events Protecting Our Kids Online Must Be A Top Priority A recent survey found that teenagers spend eight hours and 39 minutes a day on screens while…Valerie BynogMay 22, 2023