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We need YOUR voice to protect Alabama children!

By May 30, 2023Alabama
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HB 298, a good bill to protect children from the harmful assault of pornography, will require manufacturers to have filtering technology automatically turned “on” when activated on smartphones and tablets. 

About the device filter:

  • By activating filters on the device, instead of the network, the filter protects a minor online wherever the device is used.
  • It’s a simple software update so that anytime a new cell phone or tablet is purchased and activated in Alabama, the phone’s explicit content filter will automatically default to “on.”
  • Adults can bypass the filter with a passcode or switch the filter off.

Concerned Women for America of Alabama supports HB 298 because the legislation recognizes the serious harm that can result to children from online pornography exposure while empowering parents to determine what material is appropriate for their children. See additional information on the harm done to children via pornography here.

The bill has passed the Alabama House but is languishing in the State Senate. The Senate Rules Committee needs to pick up the bill so that it can move to the floor of the State Senate for a vote.

ACT TODAY! Email, call, or tweet your State Senator today through our Action Center HERE and urge your State Senator to support HB 298, a commonsense bill to protect Alabama children.

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Please Pray: Father, we thank you for your grace and mercy on our state and nation.  Please help us to be a country that blesses and honors you by protecting our children and grandchildren from the harms of pornography.

Thank you,
Bobbi Radeck
State Director