Senate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 18, 2014 Anti-Religious Liberty Vote: This week, Senate Democrats tried to pass an anti-religious liberty bill that…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 18, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 11, 2014 The Senate was in session this week after being out for Independence Day. With a…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 18, 2014
Missouri Common Core Diminishing in Missouri! Let’s Keep Up the Fight! As may have already heard, Missouri’s “Common Core” bill finally reached the Governor’s desk, where…State StaffJuly 18, 2014
House Legislative UpdatesNews and Events House Legislative Update for July 11, 2014 Although the House had to shut down briefly for an industrial spill which could have…Shari RendallJuly 18, 2014
Uncategorized Senate Legislative Update for July 18, 2014 Anti-Religious Liberty Vote: This week, Senate Democrats tried to pass an anti-religious liberty bill that…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 18, 2014
[Spanish] La Verdad Sobre de la Decisión del Corte Suprema: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby"> LegalNews and EventsSpanish [Spanish] La Verdad Sobre de la Decisión del Corte Suprema: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Los Datos: 1. La Opinión Popular: La decisión es acerca de las mujeres y su…Mario Diaz, Esq.July 18, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases Sen. Marco Rubio, Dr. Russell Moore, Penny Nance to Host Discussion on Upward Mobility in America FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 17, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 MEDIA ADVISORY Sen.…Rachel TaylorJuly 17, 2014
Texas Secret to Surviving Obama VA: S-E-X Gina Loudon interviews Area Director Kori Peterson on Smart Life concerning her father's pursuit of…State StaffJuly 16, 2014
North Dakota President and CEO, Penny Nance, of Concerned Women for America Endorses Measure 1 Washington D.C. – Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America CEO and President, says in the…State StaffJuly 16, 2014
LegalNews and EventsSanctity of Life Democrats Push Radical Pro-Abortion Legislation This week, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on one of the most awful…Mario Diaz, Esq.July 15, 2014
LAC Hot Topics/AlertsNews and EventsReligious Issues CWALAC Opposition letter to S. 2578 (Anti-Religious Liberty bill) Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) wishes to express our opposition to S.…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 15, 2014
North Dakota Encouragement for the Heart Does the peace of God rule in your heart? It can! The apostle Paul says…State StaffJuly 14, 2014
North Dakota Let’s Stop the False Attacks – ND Choose Life July 11 E-Newsletter As both the State Director of CWA of North Dakota and the Chairman of ND…State StaffJuly 14, 2014
Virginia Religion at Work The following editorial was printed in Lynchburg's News and Advance on Monday, July 7.State StaffJuly 11, 2014
BlogNews and Events So Where Are the Nigerian Girls? From the front lines of Nigeria comes Emmanuel Ogebe. Alison Howard, CWA Communications Director, recently…Rachel TaylorJuly 10, 2014
[LBB] The Faces of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Movement"> News and Events [LBB] The Faces of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Movement You decide which side you want to be associated with. (more…)Mario Diaz, Esq.July 10, 2014
BlogNews and EventsSupport for Israel “Red Alert” – Rockets fly in Israel An alarm goes off on a cell phone in the middle of the night; it…Alexandria PaolozziJuly 9, 2014
Israeli and Palestinian Mothers Set the Tone in the Middle East"> News and EventsSupport for Israel Israeli and Palestinian Mothers Set the Tone in the Middle East “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us,”…Rachel TaylorJuly 9, 2014
News and EventsSenate Legislative Updates Senate Legislative Update for July 4, 2014 This week the Senate was out of session for Independence Day recess.Rachel TaylorJuly 4, 2014
House Legislative UpdatesNews and Events Legislative Update for July 4, 2014 Although the House of Representatives was out of session, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action…Rachel TaylorJuly 4, 2014