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Common Core Diminishing in Missouri! Let’s Keep Up the Fight!

By July 18, 2014Missouri
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As may have already heard, Missouri’s “Common Core” bill finally reached the Governor’s desk, where it was signed into law July 14. CWA of Missouri was on the frontlines of this battle to stop Common Core. The bill underwent several amendments with the final version requiring work groups to be formed to write a set of standards by 2016 by Missourians, allowing them to develop their own standards. In addition, the bill removes teacher evaluations being tied to student performance and affirms the local school board’s role in choosing curriculum, textbooks and other instructional materials.

Working side by side with legislators throughout the process, we canvassed the state holding over 150 meetings educating citizens on the dangers of Common Core. Two coalition statewide rallies were held at the State Capitol where over five hundred moms, dads, grandparents and other concerned citizens showed their opposition to loss of local control, developmentally inappropriate standards and unknown costs that exceed district budgets in order to implement. CWA of Missouri strengthened local school boards by providing credible sources of information in order to make sound decisions within their districts.

CWA of Missouri congratulates Rep. Kurt Bahr (R-District 102), Sen. Ed Emery (R-District 31) and Sen. John Lamping (R-District 24) for their tireless work in getting this bill through the Missouri General Assembly as well as Dr. Mary Byrne for her outstanding work in researching and writing for this bill.

CWA of Missouri thanks you for your faithful response to our e-alerts and Facebook posts, meetings, calls for prayer and generous financial support. This victory would not have happened without each one of you.

CWA of Missouri recognizes the need to continue striving for excellence in Missouri’s education. We have big plans to do so and hope that you will participate as much as possible.

We will continue to hold meetings around the state but our focus will now be on explaining how HB1490 will impact our education standards and on how we are going to take back local control in our public schools. The first one has already been scheduled for Wentzville, The Road Back to Local Control. Please be sure to check our website regularly for a meeting in your area.

In addition we are in the midst of producing a video that will serve as an informational tool to equip others on how to stop Common Core in their community. Future plans include restoring local control back into the hands of local citizens, supporting the parents’ rights over their children despite the government’s attempts to override these rights, and protection of personal student data.

Again, thank you for all your enthusiastic support. Please keep up your participation and be sure to contribute as often as you can. Simply click here to do so.

For Freedom!

Bev Ehlen
State Director

Jill Noble
Area Director

Stacy Shore
Legislative Liaison