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Senate Legislative Update for July 18, 2014

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Anti-Religious Liberty Vote: This week, Senate Democrats tried to pass an anti-religious liberty bill that would restrict American’s First Amendment rights like never before. 60-votes were needed in a crucial procedural vote. If passed, S.2578 would have trumped the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling. Members stopped this by a vote of 56-43.




CWALAC sent a letter to the Senate urging them not to pass this extreme measure. To read CWALAC letter, click here.




Women’s Health Protection Act: The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Sen. Richard Blumenthal’s (D-Connecticut) bill, the “Women’s Health Protection Act.” This bill, if passed, would override nearly all federal and state laws restricting abortion, including late-term bans.




To read the letter CWALAC sent to the Senate, click here.




Israel Resolution: Thursday night, the Senate passed, by unanimous consent, S.Res.498. This resolution supported Israel’s right to defend itself against current rocket attacks by the terrorist group, Hamas. It also called for President Abbas to break his recent unification with the terrorist group.