North Dakota Voice Your Support for LIFE! "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in My name welcomes Me..." - Mark 9:37…Linda ThorsonJanuary 17, 2019
Virginia We Need Your Help TODAY to Stop The Equal Rights Amendment! The battle continues to rage in Virginia to pass a state-level Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 17, 2019
LegalNews and EventsReports Losing Wager: “Big Marijuana’s” Legalization Crusade Endangers Our Future Wherever you stand on the current trend towards legalization of marijuana in our country, it…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 17, 2019
LBBLegalNews and Events Don’t Miss President Trump’s Proclamation on Religious Freedom Day, 2019 Each January 16, the president issues a proclamation on Religious Freedom Day. This is the…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 16, 2019
LegalNews and Events Attorney General Nominee William Barr Shines in Committee Hearings After submitting our letter of support for President Trump’s nomination of William Barr to be…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 16, 2019
Illinois CWA of Illinois Encourage-A-Legislator Project in Need of Volunteers Dear friend, We are excited to announce that we now have enough encouragers within our…State StaffJanuary 16, 2019
North Dakota State Director Testifies in Support of Improving Safe Haven Law January 15, 2019 House Human Services Committee Testimony in Support of HB 1285 Mr. Chairman…Linda ThorsonJanuary 15, 2019
Virginia Time for Women to Oppose the ERA ! A heartfelt thank you to all of those who responded to our last e-alert on…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 15, 2019
Virginia Meet the New State Director of CWA of Virginia, Toni DeLancey! Hello! My name is Toni DeLancey, and I am so excited to be your new…Tanya DittyJanuary 12, 2019
North Dakota Voice Your Support for Home School Education! There is a very important pro-homeschool education bill that CWA of North Dakota is in…Linda ThorsonJanuary 12, 2019
BlogNews and Events Score Letter: Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act The Honorable United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator, On behalf of our supporters…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2019
Virginia ERA Heads to the Senate Floor for a Vote – It Needs Your Opposition Now! A special thanks to all of you who responded to our last e-alert by contacting…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 11, 2019
Virginia State Director Makes Statement at Press Conference in Oppostion to the ERA Click here to view video. CWA of Virginia statement can be found at 10:15.Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 11, 2019
BlogNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation Strengthening our Borders and Fixing our Broken Immigration Laws The following is a statement made by Mrs. Beverly LaHaye, Concerned Women for America's Founder and…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2019
Texas What You Can Do to Secure the Texas Electric Grid! Did you know that there are only three power grids in the United States? And…Ann HettingerJanuary 11, 2019
California Calling All Concerned About the Sexual Content of Proposed “Health” Education. Your Response is Needed by This Friday! We have a battle on our hands and just a few short days to do…Marlo TuckerJanuary 9, 2019
National SovereigntyNews and EventsReligious LibertySanctity of Life Senators’ bigotry threatens all believers – The left gets closer to stifling public expressions of faith Quick — somebody please remind Democratic Senators Kamala Harris (D-California) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) that…CWALAC StaffJanuary 9, 2019
North Dakota State Director Testifies in Support of Home School Education January 8, 2019 Education Committee Testimony in Support of HB 1052 Mr. Chairman and…Linda ThorsonJanuary 9, 2019
Defense of FamilySexual Exploitation Three Pillar Strategy – Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization 2018 This Concerned Women for America "The Counterpoint" policy paper suggests a "Three Pillar Strategy" to…CWALAC StaffJanuary 8, 2019
BlogNews and EventsPress Releases Senate Votes on Bill to Strengthen U.S. Security in the Middle East Washington, D.C. -- Today, the Senate is voting on the first bill introduced in the 116th Congress,…CWALAC StaffJanuary 8, 2019