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What You Can Do to Secure the Texas Electric Grid!

By January 11, 2019Texas
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Did you know that there are only three power grids in the United States?  And did you know that one of those grids is entirely within the state boundaries of Texas?

CWA is serious about National Sovereignty and in Texas we are working to secure our electric grid.  In the event of a man-made or natural catastrophic attack on our grid, we need to be able to be up and running as soon as possible.  A long-term failure of our electric grid is a life-threatening situation for millions.  One of CWA’s legislative priorities for the 2019 Texas Legislative Session is securing our Texas electric grid.

We need your help!  Sen. Bob Hall (Senate District 2) and Rep. Tony Tinderholt (House District 94) are hosting the Texas Energy Security Summit this Monday, January 14, at the Capitol in Austin.  It is important that as many legislators as possible attend.  The purpose of this summit is to educate our legislators and the public about the importance of securing our grid and the potential economic benefits to Texas that accompany such an achievement.

Here is the step-by-step of how you can help with this important issue:

  1. Please pray that our legislators will understand the gravity of the situation in the event that our electric grid should fail.
  2. Call and/or email your state senator and your state representative now and ask them to please attend the Texas Energy Security Summit on Monday, January 14. Be sure to provide the link to the event and let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.  Click here to find and contact your legislators.
  3. Head to Austin so you can attend the Summit as well.

◦   Texas Capitol Auditorium

◦   Monday, January 14.  Two opportunities to attend: 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

To learn more about the importance of securing the electric grid, please click here.  You can watch Sen. Bob Hall discuss this issue here.

We hope to see you and your legislators at the Texas Energy Security Summit!  Let’s secure the Texas electric grid!


Ann Hettinger
State Director
CWA of Texas

Other sources:

Population of Texas is over 28 million.