BlogLBBNews and Events Impeachment Briefing – January 28 Mario Diaz, Esq., CWA’s General Counsel, and Toni Delancey, Chief Operating Officer, discuss the latest…Carly BeckerJanuary 28, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events The President’s Team Sets the Record Straight There was simply no link between investigations and security assistance. As the president’s personal lawyer,…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 27, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events Impeachment Briefing – January 27 The President’s team has exposed the impeachment case against President Donald Trump as yet another…Carly BeckerJanuary 27, 2020
BlogCEONews and EventsSanctity of Life Women Lead the Pro-Life Movement President and CEO of CWA, Penny Nance, wrote the following article about the reality of…Penny NanceJanuary 27, 2020
North Dakota Update on CWA of North Dakota Fargo Prayer Vigil On Friday, January 24, more than 35 pro-life prayer warriors gathered in Fargo to pray…Linda ThorsonJanuary 26, 2020
BlogNews and Events President’s Defense Team Makes Opening Arguments – Exposes Hoax of Impeachment The President’s team has exposed the impeachment case against President Donald Trump as yet another…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 26, 2020
Kansas GOOD NEWS – Pro-Life Amendment Passed Out of Two Committees! Time for Next Step! Thank you for the great turnout Tuesday at the Value Them Both Amendment (HCR 5019)…Barbara SaldivarJanuary 24, 2020
BlogNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life Penny Nance: ‘Trump brings new energy to the pro-life movement’ Contact: 202.810.5530 WASHINGTON — Penny Nance releases the following statement after attending the March…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 24, 2020
BlogKennedyLBBNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUS Roe’s Foundation of Lies It is always sobering to stand and contemplate the destruction and devastation left along the…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 24, 2020
BlogLBBNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodSanctity of Life The Never-ending Impeachment Impeachment Day 3 Recap We continued to hear the same unproven allegations from the House…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 23, 2020
BlogNews and EventsSanctity of Life Remembering the Preborn Prayer Vigil January 22, 2020, marks the 47th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade and is known as…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 23, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events Impeachment Trial Briefing – January 23 Big news on day three of the impeachment trial Penny Nance, CEO and President of…Carly BeckerJanuary 23, 2020
BlogNews and EventsSanctity of Life Join CWA at the 2020 March for Life! Join CWA at the 2020 March for Life! When: Friday, January 24th, with the March…Carly BeckerJanuary 23, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events The Hot Air Impeachment Continues The rhetoric certainly remained at a high pitch. But on day two of the impeachment…Mario Diaz, Esq.January 22, 2020
South Dakota Update! More Calls Needed: Vulnerable Child Protection Act – CWA of South Dakota So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created…Linda SchauerJanuary 22, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events Impeachment Trial Briefing – January 22 Concerned Women for America General Counsel Mario Diaz, Esq. and Vice President of Government Relations…Carly BeckerJanuary 22, 2020
South Dakota The U.S. Constitution is Not the Problem! “Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention … I should tremble…Linda SchauerJanuary 22, 2020
Washington January 22 Prayer/Action Alert: Protect the Innocence of Our Children and Grandchildren! In Matthew 18:6, Jesus warns, “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe…Maureen RichardsonJanuary 21, 2020
BlogLBBNews and Events Impeachment Trial Briefing – January 21 In the clutter of news coverage, we want to give you some insight from our…Carly BeckerJanuary 21, 2020