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Update! More Calls Needed: Vulnerable Child Protection Act – CWA of South Dakota

By January 22, 2020South Dakota

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  –Genesis 1: 27

You are making a difference – keep the calls coming!

A good bill, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act (HB1057), passed in the House State Affairs Committee this morning with a vote of 8-5. Click here to read the bill.  Check the votes here. We wanted a YES vote.

HB1057 will be heard and voted on in the full House of Representatives on Monday, January 27. Please contact your two state representatives and urge them to “Vote Yes on HB1057, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.”

(Please take action today. See the contact information below.)

HB1057 protects minors who struggle with gender identity from receiving certain dangerous and life-altering drugs and irreversible surgeries that remove healthy organs.  Children struggling with their identity should be protected from unethical sex reassignment interventions that reject their long-term health and well-being.  Here are a few things you should know:

  • Sadly, there are some clinics in South Dakota that are performing these procedures.
  • No long-term scientific research exists to support the safety or efficacy of sex reassignment treatments on children – in fact, there is evidence to the contrary.
  • Studies prove the fluid nature of gender dysphoria: 80% no longer wish to change their sex after puberty. Some studies find the rate as high as 90%.
  • Parents are being misinformed by an activist medical community.
  • There is no scientific evidence substantiating the suicide claim for dysphoria.
  • It is impossible for children and youth to understand, let alone give informed consent about the permanence of treatments and danger to their physical, mental, and emotional health.

Read CWA’s complete talking points with documentation here.

Action Needed!

  • Contact your two state representatives and urge them to support HB1057, the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.   Click here to view the list of state representatives, and then click on their e-mail addresses. Click here if you do not know who your state representatives are, or you can call your county auditor to obtain their names.
  • In addition to e-mailing, phone the House lobby at (605) 773-3851 and leave a message for your two state representatives.  (In observance of Martin L. King Day, they will not be in session on Monday, January 20.)
  • Share this information on two other concerned friends and family members. Your e-mails and phone calls are very important.

Please pray: Father, we thank you that in Your grand design You created us male and female. We ask that those who struggle with their God-given sex would be happy and healthy in the sex that You created them to be.

God bless you for your prayer and action.

Linda Schauer
State Director