News and EventsPrayer For America (Day 99) All hail King Jesus! All hail Emmanuel! We thank You, Lord, For the glorious day…Mario Diaz, Esq.December 3, 2018
BlogNews and Events How the Republican minority House members can still have influence Now that (most) of the election dust has settled, members have met their new colleagues,…Jaime BallewNovember 30, 2018
News and Events What happened to the congressional ‘hush fund’? Watch the latest video at Fund reportedly used to pay sexual abuse settlements with…CWALAC StaffNovember 30, 2018
Virginia Update from CWA of Virginia: This Saturday’s Event in Support of Phillip Zodhiates, Sentenced to Three Years in Prison As you may recall from past e-alerts, Lisa Miller is the biological mother of Isabella…State StaffNovember 29, 2018
BlogMississippiNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith Wins Historic Mississippi Election Washington, D.C. -- Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith won Mississippi's runoff election, defeated Democrat challenger Mike Espy for…CWALAC StaffNovember 28, 2018
South Dakota More Encouragers Needed for 2019 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for…State StaffNovember 27, 2018
South Dakota Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign Sign Up Now Open! Click here for more information and to view flyer. Sign up by emailing us your…State StaffNovember 27, 2018
UncategorizedUse Your Voice [AUDIO] Use Your Voice – Episode 5, Adoption – A Celebration of Life Did you know that in Virginia alone, there are about 5000 children in the foster…CWALAC StaffNovember 21, 2018
Maine CWA of Maine Thanksgiving Message: Expressing Gratitude for Freedom I love Thanksgiving, but sadly it seems, one of the most endearing American holidays has…State StaffNovember 21, 2018
North Dakota Are You an Encourager? Dear Friend, We are excited to continue our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program into 2019! Our EAL…State StaffNovember 20, 2018
BlogNews and EventsYWA Open letter to Berkeley Student, Isabella Chow, from YWA President at Texas A & M Dear Isabella, First and foremost, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for…CWALAC StaffNovember 20, 2018
Washington November 19 Prayer Action Alert – You are the Light “You are the light of the world.” - Matthew 5:13 Dear CWA of Washington Friend,…Maureen RichardsonNovember 19, 2018
Religious Liberty Thanksgiving: A Day to Honor the Lord Thanksgiving is a time to remember the ways in which the Lord has blessed us.…CWALAC StaffNovember 19, 2018
Georgia CWA of Georgia Responds to Amazon’s HQ2 Pick Dear friends, For over a year, Georgia courted Amazon to bring its second headquarters (known…Tanya DittyNovember 16, 2018
BlogNews and EventsPress ReleasesReligious Liberty CWA Calls for President Trump to Ensure Full Release and Religious Asylum to Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi Washington, D.C. — In 2010, Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman, was sentenced to “death…CWALAC StaffNovember 16, 2018
News and EventsPrayer For America (Day 98) – A Prayer for the New Congress Holy Father, we pray for the new Congress. Even now as they prepare, we pray…Mario Diaz, Esq.November 16, 2018
Illinois There’s a Battle for the Soul of America: Christians Must Stand Firm State Directors Op-Ed in The Western Journal.State StaffNovember 16, 2018
HawaiiLBBNews and EventsReligious Liberty CWA Files Brief on Important Religious Liberty Case Aloha Bed & Breakfast v. Cervelli Phyllis Young operates the “Aloha Bed & Breakfast” out…Mario Diaz, Esq.November 15, 2018
BlogNews and Events Resolution for the Little Sisters of the Poor Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a final rule that…Jaime BallewNovember 15, 2018
Illinois Are You an Encourager? The Illinois General Assembly Needs You! Dear Friend, The 2018 Midterms are over with new and familiar legislators being seated for…State StaffNovember 15, 2018