Left to right: Senior Lobbyist for Kansans for Life Jeanne Gawdun, Legislative Director for Kansans…
State StaffApril 10, 2015
What if I told you that pro-lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) activists are…
Mario Diaz, Esq.April 10, 2015
The Day of Silence, organized and promoted by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network…
State StaffApril 7, 2015
Thank you in advance for your prayers and timely action on these two great bills.…
State StaffMarch 18, 2015
To the House Federal and State Affairs Support SB95 March 9, 2015 Mr. Chairman and…
State StaffMarch 10, 2015
Thank you for your diligent prayers and timely action last month on this great pro-life…
State StaffMarch 4, 2015
To the House Standing Committee on Education In Support of HB 2292 February 20, 2015…
State StaffFebruary 20, 2015
“The philosophy of the classroom will be the philosophy of government tomorrow.” -Abraham Lincoln Common…
State StaffFebruary 20, 2015
SB 95, Kansas Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act has passed favorably out of committee.…
State StaffFebruary 18, 2015
To the House Standing Committee on Education Oppose HB 2099 February 13, 2015 Mr. Chairman…
State StaffFebruary 13, 2015
Greetings! My name is Barbara Saldivar; I am thrilled to be the new CWA of…
State StaffJanuary 30, 2015
Dear Friends, Our Topeka CWA Prayer/Action Chapter has been meeting on Monday mornings to pray…
State StaffOctober 11, 2014
State Director remarks on June 28 Supreme Court Defense of Marriage Act decision.
CWALAC StaffJune 27, 2013