BarrettNews and EventsPress ReleasesSpecial Feature Op-ed: Penny Nance: Judge Barrett Deserves Swift Supreme Court Confirmation Concerned Women for America's CEO and President, Penny Nance, had this to say in her…Penny NanceOctober 20, 2020
CEODefense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Press Release: CWALAC Responds to Nationwide Women’s March FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 17, 2020 Contact: Stephanie Rivera 954.243.6301, Concerned Women for America…Penny NanceOctober 17, 2020
North Carolina Early Voting Begins in North Carolina, Your Voter Resources, and More. It is hard to believe that Election Day is almost here! In North Carolina, early…Jill CowardOctober 16, 2020
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Press Release: University Forced to Rescind Transgender Sports Policy FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2020 Contact: Doreen Denny, Vice President of Government Relations (202) 420-1491, University…Doreen DennyOctober 16, 2020
BarrettJudicial NominationsLBBLegalNews and EventsRBG Hearing Recap and Next Steps for Amy Coney Barrett To quote Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Amy Coney…Mario Diaz, Esq.October 16, 2020
Judicial NominationsLegalNews and EventsRBG “Women for Amy” Bus Tour Arrives in DC Women from around the country join the "Women for Amy" Bus Tour in Washington, D.C.…Tanya DittyOctober 12, 2020
BarrettCEONews and Events A Week of Prayer for Judge Amy Coney Barrett Prayer and action lay at the foundation of Concerned Women for America (CWA). In many…Penny NanceOctober 11, 2020
California 2020 California Legislative Session Summary A warm, heartfelt thanks to all our Concerned Women for America (CWA) of California members…Marlo TuckerOctober 11, 2020
BarrettLegalNews and Events CWALAC Letter of Support to Senate Judiciary Committee Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) submitted a letter to the Senate Judiciary…Mario Diaz, Esq.October 11, 2020
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Why Title IX and the Future of Female Sports are at Risk Today CWA's Vice President of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, appeared on Save Women's Sports webinar to…Doreen DennyOctober 11, 2020
BarrettNews and EventsPress Releases Women for Amy Bus Tour Stops in Georgia and South Carolina FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2020 Contact: Stephanie Rivera 954.243.6301, Washington D.C.- On the first day…Stephanie RiveraOctober 7, 2020
News and EventsPress ReleasesShe Prays She Votes 2020 CWA Concludes Final Four She Prays She Votes Prayer Events FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2020 Contact: Stephanie Rivera 954.243.6301, Concerned Women for America…Tanya DittyOctober 6, 2020
BarrettCEONews and Events Penny Nance Announces Women for Amy Bus Tour Concerned Women for America LAC CEO and President Penny Nance announces the Women for Amy…Penny NanceOctober 5, 2020
BarrettLegalNews and EventsPress Releases CWALAC Launches “Women for Amy” Bus Tour FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 5, 2020 Contact: Stephanie Rivera 954.243.6301, Concerned Women for…Stephanie RiveraOctober 5, 2020
EducationLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Safety First Online Starts at Home By Amy Lidell, Intern for Concerned Women for America Last week the National Center for…Amy LidellOctober 3, 2020
BarrettLegalNews and Events Action Item: Stand Up For All Christian Conservative Women God’s timing is perfect. He’s never early or late but comes at the precise time.…Mario Diaz, Esq.October 1, 2020
Missouri Event: October 3 Prayerfest at State Capitol Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri invites you and your family to come to…Bev EhlenSeptember 28, 2020
BarrettLegalNews and EventsPress Releases Press Release: Penny Nance Responds to Amy Coney Barrett Nomination FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 26, 2020 Contact: Stephanie Rivera 954.243.6301, Women for Amy Washington, D.C. –…Stephanie RiveraSeptember 26, 2020
BarrettJudicial NominationsLegalNews and EventsRBGSCOTUS Meet Amy Coney Barrett If you have been a friend of Concerned Women for America (CWA) over the years,…Mario Diaz, Esq.September 26, 2020
BarrettJudicial NominationsNews and EventsSpecial Feature Fox News Op-Ed: Nance: It’s time to put first conservative woman on Supreme Court "This country was built on the fundamental idea of religious liberty and freedom of conscience.…Penny NanceSeptember 25, 2020