BlogNews and EventsUncategorized Learn About CWA’s Biblical Foundations — Our Grass Roots Watch to learn more about CWA's Field Team (our Grass Roots) built with Biblical Foundations.CWFA StaffNovember 13, 2019
Virginia Encourage and Pray – Now more than ever! Just this week, my Bible study has been in the book Esther. How appropriate. Esther…Dr. Toni DeLanceyNovember 13, 2019
BlogNews and Events An Honor and Opportunity for CWA Staff Meeting President Trump On a Friday in November, some of our staff had the honor and opportunity to…CWALAC StaffNovember 11, 2019
California CWA of California November Legislative Recap First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for…Marlo TuckerNovember 11, 2019
North Carolina Reminder: Join CWA on Saturday, November 16, at the Love Life Celebrations in North Carolina! I hope you will join me in Charlotte on Saturday, November 16, to celebrate Love…Jill CowardNovember 11, 2019
South Dakota CWA of South Dakota Recruiting Encouragers “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for…Linda SchauerNovember 10, 2019
BlogNews and EventsSocial / Cultural Issues Penny Nance on World Radio: TV Ratings Need Reform (Story Begins at 8 minute mark and runs to 13 minutes.) CEO and President Penny…CWFA StaffNovember 8, 2019
BlogLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsReligious Liberty Trump Administration to Reverse Obama-era Regs that Sidelined Faith-Based Adoption and Foster Care Agencies UPDATE: President Trump just issued the new proposed rule that would reverse an Obama-era regulation…CWALAC StaffNovember 8, 2019
BlogNews and EventsYWA YWA Had Quite a Week – Let’s Recap Young Women for America chapters across the country have had quite a week – let’s…Kelsey GoodNovember 7, 2019
BlogLegalNews and EventsPress Releases Judicial Attack on Conscience Protections for Healthcare Professionals Must Be Appealed FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 7, 2019 Contact: Toni DeLancey Direct Line: (202) 266-4816 | Mobile:…CWALAC StaffNovember 7, 2019
Illinois CWA of Illinois Commemorates National Day of Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer Before we get caught up in the upcoming season of busyness, let us cultivate a humble…Deborah LeiningerNovember 5, 2019
Virginia It’s Election Day: Pray and Vote! Dear Fellow Virginians, Today is a critical day in Virginia. Voters go the polls to…Dr. Toni DeLanceyNovember 5, 2019
Maine CWA of Maine Commemorates National Day of Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer CWA of Maine Commemorates National Day of Fasting, Repentance, and Prayer Before we get caught…Penny MorrellNovember 5, 2019
BlogCEONews and EventsSocial / Cultural Issues Proposed Soft Ban on Flavored E-Cigarette, Vaping-Devices Prudent Move, Our Children Will Thank us for it One Day… Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar earlier this month announced that the White House…Penny NanceNovember 4, 2019
BlogCultureNews and EventsSex Trafficking / Pornography Penny Nance: Fight Against Sex Trafficking and Child Porn Could be Hurt by Change to Internet CEO and President Penny Young Nance wrote an opinion piece recently for explaining how…CWFA StaffNovember 4, 2019
Virginia Tomorrow’s Election Prayer Point Dear Fellow Virginians, Tomorrow Virginians will cast a very important vote in our commonwealth’s history.…Dr. Toni DeLanceyNovember 4, 2019
BlogLegislative UpdatesNews and Events Impeachment Masquerade On Halloween, the House of Representatives voted largely along party lines on a resolution that…CWALAC StaffNovember 1, 2019
BlogNews and EventsPress Releases Political Impeachment Effort Bad for America FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov.1, 2019 Contact: Toni DeLancey Direct Line: (202) 266-4816 | Mobile: (202)…CWALAC StaffNovember 1, 2019
Virginia Virginia Elections: Friday Prayer Point and Pray at Your Polling Place Dear Fellow Virginians, When the ancient Israelites entered the Promised Land, their first obstacle was…Dr. Toni DeLanceyNovember 1, 2019
Illinois Your Voice is Critical to Protect Minor Girls in Illinois! The Illinois General Assembly will continue their veto session on November 12,13,14, where state legislators…State StaffOctober 31, 2019