Legal Kansas’ Stephen Six Nominated to the Federal Bench Stephen Six, appointed by then-Governor Kathleen Sibelius to be Kansas Attorney General, was instrumental in…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2011
Sanctity of Life Call-In Day to Defund Planned Parenthood CWA has asked members to keep up the pressure on members of the House and…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2011
Sanctity of Life Wendy Wright Defends Ohio “Heartbeat Bill” She reminded those in the room that this bill would solve the deception behind the…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2011
National Sovereignty Army Chaplains Not Embracing Homosexuality Could Face Court-Martial The latest plan, from the U.S. Army to its Chaplains, says that those chaplains not…CWALAC StaffMarch 24, 2011
Ohio House Vote on ‘Heartbeat’ Bill Suddenly Delayed – Fox 28 News at Ten Reporting View report on StaffMarch 24, 2011
Blog From Presidency to “Present”-sy Instapundit cites further evidence that President Obama is avoiding leadership and merely voting “present.”CWALAC StaffMarch 23, 2011
Maine Bills to Restrict Medical Care of Minors Generate Controversy Charla Bansley quoted on The Main Public Broadcasting Network ("Control over the values and morals…CWALAC StaffMarch 23, 2011
BlogDefense of Family The Christian/Non-Christian Divorce Myth is Divorced from Reality Church attendees are 35 percent less likely to divorce, compared to nominal churchgoers, who are…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Flood Lawmakers’ District Offices This Thursday! We urge you to contact your representatives and senators in your home district on Thursday,…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Illinois Northwestern University Psychology Professor Approves Aberrant Sex Act in Class – Parents Should Be Outraged Your action is needed! This article contains sensitive material that may be offensive to young…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Sanctity of Life Abortionists: Human Traffickers’ Best Ally Here's a simple baseline that all people of good will — including politicians — can…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Washington View Maureen Richardson Speak Out Against HB 1267 Before the State Senate This bill would give parental rights to homosexuals and turn women and babies into commodities.CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Montana CWA of Montana Speaks Out in Supports HB 516 at the State Capitol Jeanette Zentgraf, Communications Coordinator, testified before the Senate Local Government Committee on March 14, 2011.…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Religious Liberty The Awakening 2011 Come hear Penny Nance speak at the Awakening, a two-day conference with over 50 speakers…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Ohio Urgent CWA of Ohio Action Alert on the Heartbeat Bill Please take action today!!CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
Maine State Director, Charla Bansley, Gives Testimony Before the Joint Judiciary Committee on March 22, 2011 in Support of LD 31 LD 31 Requires Parental Consent to Dispense Prescription Drugs to Minors. This is about passing…CWALAC StaffMarch 22, 2011
New York A Special Thank You and Welcome to Two Outstanding Women A hearty thank you to Anne Downey for her years of excellent service as state…CWALAC StaffMarch 21, 2011
Montana Montana Senate Panel OKs Bill That Would Nullify Missoula Equality Law Read in the how HB 516 passed out of the Senate Local Government Committee…CWALAC StaffMarch 19, 2011
North Dakota Legislative Action Alert There are two state bills that need your immediate action on behalf of the unborn.CWALAC StaffMarch 18, 2011
LegalSexual Exploitation XXX: New Domain Spells Trouble for Parents & Kids Pornography is a significant factor in many of the social problems we see today —…CWALAC StaffMarch 18, 2011