Statement of Penny Nance, CEO & President of Concerned Women for America (CWA) on the…
Penny NanceJuly 17, 2019
Concerned Women for America CEO and President, Penny Nance wrote the following opinion piece featured…
Penny NanceJuly 16, 2019
June is designated LGBT Pride Month, and rainbows are displayed on everywhere from T-shirts to…
Penny NanceJune 18, 2019
There is a new level of hostility by the ruling class toward people in this…
Penny NanceJune 13, 2019
Below are excerpts from a very interesting article by Dave Andrusko at National Right to…
Penny NanceJune 10, 2019
Washington, D.C. — Following the Trump administration’s decision to expire funding for human fetal tissue research for…
Dr. Toni DeLanceyJune 5, 2019
This week the nation’s imagination was captivated by a beautiful newborn baby girl called Saybie, who left…
Penny NanceJune 5, 2019
Last week, the House passed H.R. 5, the deceptively-named “Equality Act” by a vote of…
Doreen DennyMay 23, 2019
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) CEO & President Penny Nance joins Tucker…
Penny NanceMay 22, 2019
Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 5, the So-Called “Equality Act.” Penny Nance, President and CEO…
Dr. Toni DeLanceyMay 17, 2019
Concerned Women for America LAC's (CWALAC) Doreen Denny talks to CBN about the many dangers…
Doreen DennyMay 17, 2019
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) joined with Reps. Vicky Hartzler…
Dr. Toni DeLanceyMay 16, 2019
Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee's (CWALAC) CEO & President Penny Nance joined with…
CWALAC StaffMay 16, 2019
Concerned Women for America LAC CEO & President Penny Nance was featured on Fox News…
Penny NanceMay 15, 2019