Case VaultLegalSCOTUS Super-Duper Supreme Court Term Remember when some tried to sell Roe as “super-duper” precedent? Well, it didn’t work. Roe…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 30, 2022
DobbsLBBLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSubstack Grasping at Straws on Dobbs The boorish left is having a full-blown meltdown over the leaked opinion in Dobbs v.…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 22, 2022
LBBLegalNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Female Athletes Are Being Victimized to Pander to the Personal Fantasies of a Few Women athletes are in danger of losing their rights to the desires of men who…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 3, 2022
LBBLegal You Can’t Undo the Supreme Court Leak The United States Supreme Court has stayed relatively quiet following the shameful news of the…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 26, 2022
Case VaultLBBLegalNews and Events Boston Violates First Amendment by Targeting Christian Flag All nine justices of the United States Supreme Court agree in Shurtleff v. City of…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 2, 2022
DobbsLBBLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSubstack Reason Demands an End to Roe A young wife and her husband were enthusiastically awaiting the birth of their first baby.…Mario Diaz, Esq.April 21, 2022
BreyerJudicial NominationsLegalNews and EventsSCOTUSVacancy Conservatives Should Demand Respect on KBJ Nomination “I’m going to remember this,” he vowed.During the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Sen. Lindsey Graham galvanized conservatives everywhere when…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 3, 2022
LBBLegalNews and Events Leftists viciously malign Clarence Thomas Justice Clarence Thomas has done well for himself. He is in no need of defense by…Mario Diaz, Esq.February 28, 2022
CWA of TexasDobbsLBBLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUS Supreme Court Releases Opinions in Texas Abortion Law Cases As we discussed recently, the state of Texas presented a novel problem to the United…Mario Diaz, Esq.December 10, 2021
Case VaultLegalNews and EventsTexas Texas Abortion Law Cases at the Supreme Court—What was it All About? On Monday (November 1, 2021), the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) heard oral…Mario Diaz, Esq.November 5, 2021
South Dakota Obey the constitution, don’t rewrite it Concerned Women for America of South Dakota State Director Linda Schauer’s letter to the editor “Obey…Linda SchauerOctober 7, 2021
LBBLegalNews and EventsSanctity of LifeSCOTUSTexas What did the Supreme Court Do in the Challenge Against Texas Heartbeat Law? The radical left and its media enablers are going berserk over the United States Supreme…Mario Diaz, Esq.September 2, 2021
BriefsDobbsLegalNews and EventsSCOTUS Your Voice in the Biggest Abortion Case of Our Lifetime The Concerned Women for America (CWA) Legal Studies Department is proud to report that we…Mario Diaz, Esq.July 30, 2021
Missouri Update and Prayer: A Chance to Stop the Reframing of U.S. History! Update on HB 952– Bill Prohibiting the Rejection of American Exceptionalism in Schools Good news!…Bev EhlenApril 30, 2021
EducationNational SovereigntyNews and EventsSanctity of Life Rulemaking Is Your Chance to Make an Impact Use your voice to help Concerned Women for America hold the line against the Biden…Doreen DennyApril 22, 2021
LBBNews and EventsUncategorized What is the filibuster? And why is it important to preserve it when it comes to legislation in the…Mario Diaz, Esq.April 6, 2021
LBBLegalNews and Events H.R. 1, “For the People Act” One Pager Stop the Dangerous H.R. 1, For the People Act PDF Version At a time when…Mario Diaz, Esq.March 5, 2021
BlogLegalNews and Events The U.S. Constitution – Part 3 Concerned Women for America (CWA) General Counsel Mario Diaz, Esq. continues his journey helping us…Mario Diaz, Esq.May 8, 2020
BlogLegalNews and Events The U.S. Constitution Series – Part II Concerned Women for America (CWA) General Counsel Mario Diaz, Esq. continues his journey helping us…Mario Diaz, Esq.April 22, 2020
South Dakota Victory for the U.S. Constitution! “Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention … I should tremble…Linda SchauerFebruary 13, 2020