Update and Prayer: A Chance to Stop the Reframing of U.S. History!

By April 30, 2021Missouri

Update on HB 952– Bill Prohibiting the Rejection of American Exceptionalism in Schools

Good news!

Recently, I wrote to you (see below my signature)  about HB952, a good bill that would prohibit public schools from teaching, using, promoting, or providing students the 1619 Project as part of the curriculum course materials or instruction. The 1619 Project teaches Missouri students to reject the truth of American exceptionalism. It seeks to create the myth that our country, and all its accomplishments, both as a whole and individually, are founded upon, and the direct result of, racism.

HB 952 was heard in the General Laws Committee on Monday, April 19. Bill sponsor, Rep. Brian Seitz (R-District 156), did an excellent job presenting his bill and answering questions from the committee. I had the privilege to testify in support of the bill on behalf of our Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Missouri members, along with other outstanding testimony given by Don Hinkle, editor of the Pathway, a mom from St. Louis County, and a former schoolteacher. There were 588 witness forms submitted on HB952, with 373 in support of the amendment. Thank you to those who submitted forms in support.

Current status of HB 952:
The bill passed out of the General Laws Committee and now goes to the Rules: Legislative Oversight Committee. If voted do pass by the committee, the bill could go on the House Calendar for perfection.

Prayer Alert:
With just over two weeks left in the legislative session, would you please pray for the members on the Rules: Legislative Oversight Committee by name. Please pray that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purpose.

Bev Ehlen
State Director

Previous Alert

Voice your support for a good bill that will stop the reframing of U.S. history and eliminate any curriculum that teaches our students to distrust our Founding Fathers and our founding documents. 

You can make a difference in Missouri by praying and acting on an important bill being heard in the General Laws Committee on Monday, April 19. HB952, sponsored by Rep. Brian Seitz (R-District 156), defines the “1619 Project” and prohibits public schools from teaching, using, promoting, or providing students the 1619 Project as part of the curriculum course materials or instruction.

The 1619 Project teaches students to reject the truth of American exceptionalism. And it seeks to create the myth that our country, and all of its accomplishments, both as a whole and individually, are founded upon, and the direct result of, racism.

“Our country has a complex and rich history,” says Rep. Seitz. “Parts of that history are hard to fathom and accept, including the issue of slavery. All of that history, both the bad and the good, should be taught to our students without bias or revision. My bill stops the bias, keeps the history, and stems the Leftists’ tide.”

This Monday, April 19, I will testify in favor of HB952 and urge the General Laws Committee members to give the bill a do-pass recommendation. I covet your prayers. The General Laws Committee will vote on the bill at a later date.

Take Action!

If you take action BEFORE 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 19, submit your support online for HB 952 online with this easy two-step process. 

  1. Click here for the online form. (a) Check the box by HB 952; (b) Select the “In Support Of” option; (c) Type in a statement (optional); (d) Complete Details section; (e) Check Acknowledgement box and then submit.
  2. Check your email inbox for an email message that requires you to verify your submission.

If you take action AFTER 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 19, please call or email the members of the General Law Committee (you will need to scroll for the committee name) and ask them to vote a “Do Pass” on HB952. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Missouri, please let them know. Do not hesitate to leave a message on their voicemail.

Suggested message:

Please vote “Do Pass” on HB952. HB952 will prohibit public schools from teaching, using, promoting, or providing students the 1619 Project. The 1619 Project’s intent is to reframe U.S. history and teach our students to distrust both our Founding Fathers and our founding documents.

Your name and town

Forward this email to family and friends! Every email message and every phone call is counted!

Please pray: Pray for our legislators on the General Laws Committee by name that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purpose.

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.” – James 3:13

Bev Ehlen
State Director