Defense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life Concerned Women for America Mourns the Passing of Justice Scalia Washington, D.C. - Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA) had this to…CWALAC StaffFebruary 13, 2016
Defense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress Releases CWA Responds to GOP Draft Discussion Washington, D.C. -Saturday night, during the ABC GOP debate, candidates were asked about women serving…CWALAC StaffFebruary 8, 2016
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Houston Voters Reject So Called Equal Rights Ordinance Washington, D.C. - Tuesday evening, Houston voters overwhelmingly rejected the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or…CWALAC StaffNovember 4, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life China Changes One-Child Policy: Still Oppressing Women Washington D.C. – China has announced it will allow two children for every couple, as…CWALAC StaffOctober 29, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Paul Ryan Puts Family First: Conditions for Speaker of the House Washington, D.C. - Tuesday night, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) announced in a press conference he…CWALAC StaffOctober 21, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Kentucky Clerk Released Washington, D.C. - Kim Davis, an elected Kentucky county clerk was released from jail this afternoon after …Jaime BallewSeptember 8, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress Releases Kentucky Clerk Jailed For Her Religious Beliefs Washington, D.C. - Today, Kim Davis, an elected Kentucky county clerk was found in contempt…CWALAC StaffSeptember 3, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsSanctity of Life [AUDIO] Margaret Sanger Bust Should be Removed from the National Portrait Gallery Listen to our Young Women for America Coordinator Patrina Mosley on recent radio interviewed on…Mario Diaz, Esq.September 1, 2015
Pastors Supporting Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ in Grave Danger"> Defense of FamilyLegalNews and Events Pastors Supporting Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ in Grave Danger There is a certain level of accountability that comes from being in a position of…Mario Diaz, Esq.August 19, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of LifeSupport for IsraelUncategorized CWA Praises GOP Candidates for Addressing Social Issues Washington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America's CEO and President Penny Nance praised GOP presidential candidates…CWALAC StaffAugust 6, 2015
Defense of FamilyNews and Events Basic Guidelines for a Loving Conversation on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Many Christian women are discouraged as we process the loss of the marriage battle at…CWALAC StaffJuly 14, 2015
Parental Rights Draft Legislation"> Defense of Family Parental Rights Draft Legislation "The liberty of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children is a…Mario Diaz, Esq.July 4, 2015
Defense of FamilyLegalNews and Events What Now? The Morning After Same-Sex “Marriage” A Great Disappointment Many people felt like me on Saturday after the marriage decision in…Mario Diaz, Esq.July 2, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and Events Gold Medals or Gold Stars? Can you identify this person? What about this one? One of these individuals is revered…Jaime BallewJune 4, 2015
[LBB] Should the Church Betray Scripture to Accept Same-Sex ‘Marriage?’"> Defense of FamilyNews and Events [LBB] Should the Church Betray Scripture to Accept Same-Sex ‘Marriage?’ "henever God needs to use voices outside his grace to reach his people, that usually…Mario Diaz, Esq.June 3, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and Events The Evolution of Ma’am What do you call a man in a dress? “Freshman,” if you’re going to the…CWALAC StaffMay 7, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and EventsReligious Liberty Statement of Mario Diaz, Esq., Regarding Obergefell v. Hodges Statement of Mario Diaz, Esq. Legal Counsel, Concerned Women for America Obergefell v. Hodges (more…)Mario Diaz, Esq.April 28, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and EventsReligious Liberty Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Obergefell v. Hodges Statement of Penny Nance CEO and President of Concerned Women for America Delivered on April…CWALAC StaffApril 28, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyLegalNews and Events In Marriage Cases, the Constitution Should Rule During a recent Heritage Foundation panel discussion, Ryan Anderson, Ph.D., and Gene Schaerr, J.D., shared…CWALAC StaffApril 22, 2015
BlogDefense of FamilyNews and Events Shutting the Lid on ‘Sex Box’ The box on “Sex Box.” (WE tv) When Concerned Women for America (CWA) initially heard…CWALAC StaffApril 17, 2015