Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsUncategorized The Left’s Legislative Rampage Concerned Women for America’s Vice President of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, joined America’s Voice to…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 28, 2021
InternationalNational SovereigntyNews and Events America’s Leadership in a Tailspin Just recently, the Biden Administration announced the U.S. strike on Afghanistan killed civilians among those…Neydy Casillas, Esq.September 24, 2021
DraftMediaNational SovereigntyNews and Events Nance: 135 House Republicans Capitulate to the Left’s Social Agenda for Our Military FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington comms@cwfa.org Washington, D.C. — Last night the…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 24, 2021
News and EventsPress ReleasesSanctity of Life Nance: Democrats Exalt Abortion For Immediate Release September 22, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington comms@cwfa.org Nance: “Democrats exalt aborting babies…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 22, 2021
MediaNews and EventsSanctity of Life So Let’s Talk About Texas The new Texas Heartbeat Bill has dominated the news cycle for the past few weeks.…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 21, 2021
MediaNews and EventsSanctity of Life Texas Doctor Admits to Performing Abortion in Violation of State Law An abortionist in Texas admitted in an op ed in the Washington Post that he…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 21, 2021
Legislative UpdatesNews and Events Democrats’ Dirty Laundry: $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Update This week, House committees debated the details of the recently passed $3.5 trillion budget resolution,…Ashley FosterSeptember 16, 2021
News and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation Concerned Women: The FBI is a Disgrace For Immediate Release September 15, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington comms@cwfa.org Concerned Women: The FBI is…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 15, 2021
MediaNews and Events Penny Nance Defends Texas Abortion Bill to Fox News Concerned Women for America’s CEO and President, Penny Nance, was quoted in Fox News today…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 14, 2021
Defense of FamilyNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress Releases Concerned Women: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Unwise & Unconstitutional For Immediate Release September 14, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington 202-748-3501 comms@cwfa.org Concerned Women: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 14, 2021
National SovereigntyNews and Events 9/11 Twentieth Anniversary: More reasons to mourn. Just a few days shy of the 20th commemoration of September 11, 2001, America is…Neydy Casillas, Esq.September 9, 2021
MediaNews and Events Abortion and Race in America After an anchor on a major news network referred to all pro-lifers as “racist” and…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 9, 2021
Defense of FamilyDraftLegislative UpdatesNews and Events Senate and House Committees Set Stage to Draft Our Daughters “Certainly I will go with you,” said Deborah. “But because of the course you are taking, the honor…Ashley FosterSeptember 3, 2021
News and EventsSanctity of Life Conservative Women Celebrate Saving Babies in Texas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 2, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington 202-748-3501 comms@cwfa.org Conservative Women Celebrate Saving…Jacklyn WashingtonSeptember 2, 2021
DraftMediaNational SovereigntyNews and EventsPress Releases Press Release: Don’t Draft Our Daughters FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 31, 2021 Contact: Jacklyn Washington 202-748-3501 comms@cwfa.org Organizations Representing Millions of…Jacklyn WashingtonAugust 31, 2021
National SovereigntyNews and Events This is personal for us. Members of our Concerned Women for America staff are deeply impacted by yesterday’s terrorist attack…Penny NanceAugust 27, 2021
Legislative UpdatesNews and Events Hit and Run: House Approves $3.5T Budget Plan and Elections Power Grab The House took a brief hiatus from August Recess this week to consider the Left’s…Ashley FosterAugust 27, 2021
MediaNews and Events Nance: It Is Demonic What Is Being Unleashed Concerned Women for America’s CEO and President, Penny Nance, joined CBN News this week to…Jacklyn WashingtonAugust 27, 2021
MediaNews and Events Special Edition of CPAC Now featuring CWA’s Prayer for Afghanistan Rally CPAC Now: America Uncanceled with Mercedes Schlapp dedicated a special episode this week to cover…Jacklyn WashingtonAugust 27, 2021
MediaNews and EventsReligious LibertySexual Exploitation Podcast: Chaos in Kabul with Amber Smith The heartbreaking chaos in Kabul, Afghanistan has the entire world holding its breath. To unpack…Jacklyn WashingtonAugust 26, 2021