BlogNews and EventsSexual Exploitation More than 200 Girls Abducted by Nigerian Terrorist Group Who would be so brazen as to admit to the world that his terrorist group…Alexandria PaolozziMay 7, 2014
BlogNews and EventsSexual Exploitation CWA Responds to Boko Haram Abducting Nearly 300 Girls in Nigeria CWA joins with concerned and outraged people from around the world to protest the inhumane…Janice Crouse, Ph.D.May 6, 2014
Sexual Exploitation Miley Cyrus ‘Twerking’ — What Would Hannah Montana Say? Miley Cyrus has been on a fast path downward, and our heart breaks over her…CWALAC StaffAugust 27, 2013
Sexual Exploitation Penny Nance on the Sean Hannity Show If you missed Penny on the Sean Hannity Show discussing the lack of integrity in…CWALAC StaffAugust 6, 2013
LegalSexual Exploitation DIAZ: Can’t New York Do Better? New York should demand of their elected officials the same excellence the city is known…CWALAC StaffJuly 10, 2013
BlogSexual Exploitation Stop the FCC Even though 75 percent of Americans want more Federal Communications Commission (FCC) restrictions on public…CWALAC StaffJune 17, 2013
Sexual Exploitation She’s Somebody’s Daughter Pornography is deeply entrenched in our society, yet few are questioning the dangerous sexual exploitation…CWALAC StaffMay 23, 2013
Sexual Exploitation Left and Right Groups Join Together To Urge DeWine Do More On Steubenville Rape Case "CWA joined this initiative to call for justice in a situation that could have been…CWALAC StaffMarch 12, 2013
Sexual Exploitation CWA Letter to Ohio Attorney General Addressing Steubenville Rape Case CWA unites in bipartisan action to ensure that rape and sexual assault are taken seriously,…CWALAC StaffMarch 12, 2013
BlogSexual Exploitation Beyoncé: Classy or Trashy? Beyoncé is a trashy performer and contributes to the crudity and vulgarity that permeates today’s…CWALAC StaffFebruary 20, 2013
BlogDefense of FamilySexual Exploitation Cupid, Briefly Noted What do cupid and kids have in common? Undies! Yep, that’s right.CWALAC StaffFebruary 14, 2013
BlogDefense of FamilySexual Exploitation Good Ads Score with Viewers It appears that the “party” and “making out” scene is not something that most Americans…CWALAC StaffFebruary 5, 2013
BlogSexual Exploitation Capital Porn Problem You would think that national security nugget would be a good enough reason for prosecuting…CWALAC StaffJanuary 23, 2013
Sexual Exploitation NANCE: A Sensitive Response to Rape It's difficult to have a smart and sensitive conversation about the vicious reality of rape…CWALAC StaffNovember 2, 2012
Sexual Exploitation WRAP Week Fact Card 2012 White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) week is an inexpensive, convenient and manageable campaign that individuals…CWALAC StaffOctober 29, 2012
BlogDefense of FamilySexual Exploitation Fifty Shades of — Hey! So here’s a little story about the time I blushed, well, fifty shades of red. …CWALAC StaffJuly 13, 2012
BlogSanctity of LifeSexual Exploitation A Case of Mistaken Identity Extreme? Please.CWALAC StaffJune 28, 2012
Press ReleasesSexual Exploitation CWA Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on Broadcast Decency Standards This is a very narrow ruling that should really affirm the FCC's power to enforce…CWALAC StaffJune 21, 2012