Defense of FamilyPress Releases Concerned Women for America Responds to Super Bowl 2012 Halftime Show Antics A press statement by Penny Nance regarding M.I.A.'s behavior during the Super Bowl Halftime show.CWALAC StaffFebruary 6, 2012
Virginia New CWA Centreville Prayer/Action Chapter to Meet on Saturday, February 11! Please join us! If you don't live in the Centreville area but would like to…CWALAC StaffFebruary 6, 2012
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Concerned Women for America Responds to Latest Development in Susan G. Komen/Planned Parenthood Partnership Four days later, Komen backs down.CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2012
National Sovereignty The President at the National Prayer Breakfast: The One We’ve Been Waiting For "Know your audience" is one of the first rules in public speaking, and his rhetoric,…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2012
Legal Ninth Circuit: Judge’s Conclusions “Illogical” on Prop. 8 Video Ruling So what could have possibly motivated him to ignore the law and evidence to rule…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2012
Sanctity of Life Celebrate Life…Embrace Grace Watch CWA's 2012 March for Life event. Read MoreCWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2012
Texas CWA of Texas February Newsletter Latest news from CWA of Texas. News on the status of Texas voter identification law,…CWALAC StaffFebruary 3, 2012
Defense of FamilyPress Releases Penny Nance Applauds Prop. 8 Video Ruling We applaud the Ninth Circuit for not giving in to the ideological pressure and groups…CWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2012
Sanctity of Life October Baby: Life in Cinema God doesn't create a meaningless life. He has a purpose and plan for our lives.…CWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2012
Sanctity of Life Susan G. Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood’s Off Again/On Again Romance A stunning victory for pro-lifers everywhere - and then, seemingly, a setback. Read MoreCWALAC StaffFebruary 2, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life Susan G. Komen Foundation Ends Grants to Planned Parenthood … for Awhile! UPDATE: Susan G. Komen stunned the nation again by seemingly flip-flopping on a previous decision…CWALAC StaffFebruary 1, 2012
Washington 2-1-12 CWA E-Alert: Be not conformed to this world These past two weeks have brought a whirlwind of activities for all pro-family organizations and…CWALAC StaffFebruary 1, 2012
Maine CWA of Maine Now Covers All 183 State Legislators in Prayer Daily By Jan Pinkham, EAL CoordinatorCWALAC StaffJanuary 31, 2012
Ohio Ohio Heartbeat Bill Senate Rose Project Send a powerful visual message to our state senators.CWALAC StaffJanuary 30, 2012
Defense of FamilyLegal Standing for Marriagein Maryland We cannot expect to receive the same blessings we have in the past if we…CWALAC StaffJanuary 30, 2012
Defense of FamilyWashington Standing for Marriage Press Conference Members of the Stand for Marriage Coalition held a press conference on Friday, January 20,…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Attends The Family Foundation Event at the Capitol in Richmond and Lobbies Several Representatives It was a great day! Please consider lobbying with us some time during this legislative…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2012
Maine Do You Sense the Spirit of Revival that is Sweeping Our State? Lifting prayers on behalf of Maine at January 14 "Hands Around the Capitol" event as…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2012
Maine 1/26/2012 – PRESS RELEASE: Redefining Marriage Affects Everyone Despite past defeats, today those who are determined to have their own way are once…CWALAC StaffJanuary 28, 2012