News and EventsNorth DakotaPress Releases Judge Voids North Dakota ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 17, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE Judge…Rachel TaylorApril 17, 2014
North Dakota Pro-life setback: Judge voids N. Dakota’s ‘heartbeat’ abortion law State Director Janne Myrdal quoted in The Washington Post.State StaffApril 17, 2014
Wisconsin Atheists’ Easter taunt to Christians: ‘Jesus is a myth’ The Washington Times Reports, "An atheist group upset at a Concerned Women for America Easter…State StaffApril 17, 2014
Wisconsin CWA Featured on “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren CWA of Wisconsin commended for Easter display at State Capitol.State StaffApril 17, 2014
BlogNews and Events World’s Toughest Job Have you ever considered what the world’s tough job entails? And who would apply? A…Rachel TaylorApril 16, 2014
Wisconsin CWA of Wisconsin on Fox & Friends State Director Kim Simac eloquently defended the faith and the freedom of religion. Segment discusses…State StaffApril 16, 2014
Wisconsin Anti-Easter Display in Wisconsin State Capitol Article on speaks of the opposition CWA of Wisconsin is getting for their Easter…State StaffApril 16, 2014
BlogNews and Events Once Upon a Donkey My title might suggest a fairytale, but the story I’m about to tell you is…Rachel TaylorApril 15, 2014
BlogNews and Events Obama’s March Madness This month, college basketball teams aren’t the only ones experiencing madness. The Supreme Court is…CWALAC StaffApril 15, 2014
BlogNews and Events Another Week, Another Common Core Failure Photo source: The Gazette Pauline Hawkins has been a high school English teacher in Colorado…Rachel TaylorApril 14, 2014
South Dakota Why the ‘media blitz’ behind Common Core? State Director Linda Schauer’s letter to the editor in the Argus Leader.State StaffApril 14, 2014
Legislative UpdatesNews and Events Legislative Update for April 11, 2014 House Debbie Smith Reauthorization: CWALAC is pleased the House reauthorized the Debbie Smith Act. The…Rachel TaylorApril 11, 2014
Iowa Heart Change Equals Cultural Change Declared on Iowa Senate Floor State Sen. Dennis Guth (R-District 4) Speaks about bullying bill and how the answer is…State StaffApril 11, 2014
LAC Hot Topics/AlertsNews and Events Paycheck Fairness Act (S.2199) Opposition Letter While the President's 77 cent myth makes a good talking point, that number ignores the…Alexandria PaolozziApril 9, 2014
North Dakota Statement by North Dakota Choose Life Concerning State GOP Endorsement of November’s Measure 1 April 7, 2014 press release.State StaffApril 9, 2014
News and EventsReligious Liberty Mozilla’s Culture War Is a Bad Model for Business The decision to remove Mozilla CEO Brandon Eich is not good for anyone on any…Rachel TaylorApril 8, 2014
News and EventsPress Releases CWA Disappointed Supreme Court Won’t Hear Elane Photography Case FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 7, 2014 MEDIA CONTACT: Alison Howard 202-266-4816 PRESS RELEASE CWA…Rachel TaylorApril 7, 2014
Maine CWA of Maine April News Report Now Available! Our Maine newsletter is coming to you with important information on Maine issues. Be up-to-date…State StaffApril 4, 2014
News and EventsReligious Liberty Washington – A Man of Prayer: How You Can Participate Penny Nance, CWA CEO and President, and Kenda Bartlett, CWA Executive Director, will be participating…Rachel TaylorApril 4, 2014
Legislative UpdatesNews and Events Legislative Update for April 4, 2014 House Abstinence Day on the Hill: On April 3, Shari Rendall joined National Abstinence Education…Rachel TaylorApril 4, 2014