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Legislative Update for April 11, 2014

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Debbie Smith Reauthorization: CWALAC is pleased the House reauthorized the Debbie Smith Act. The Debbie Smith Act provides funds to state and local law enforcement agencies to perform DNA testing on rape kits. Testing rape kits is crucial to taking dangerous criminals off the streets and bringing justice and closure to rape victims. The bill is now awaiting action in the Senate.

National Women’s History Museum (NWHM): The Natural Resources Committee marked up and passed the NWHM his week. CWALAC worked with Committee staffers to determine its consideration in Committee. We heard from our friends that House leadership wanted to see this legislation passed quickly through Committee. CWALAC wanted to prevent good Members of Congress from having to go on the record during a Committee vote and agreed with Committee staff this should move as part of a unanimous consent package where a couple of representatives would submit their stated opposition to the legislation. In addition to their statements of opposition, these representatives met with Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) to express their disapproval and ask that this legislation not be placed on the suspension calendar. CWALAC met with 14 offices this week to oppose the NWHM. Act Now: Call your representative and ask him/her to oppose the NWHM. Click here to find your representative. Also, call Leader Cantor at 202-225-2815 and ask him not to bring this to a vote until it has proper safeguards.

Budget: The House voted on several budgets this week. Republicans brought up the president’s budget, which over the past several years has not received a single vote. This year, the president’s budget received two Democrat votes. The House also considered other Democrat budgets from the Progressive and Congressional Black Caucuses. CWALAC supported both the Ryan (which passed) and Republican Study Committee (which failed) budgets.


Paycheck Fairness: After circulation of an opposition letter written by our CWALAC team, the Paycheck Fairness Act (S. 2199) did not receive the needed 60 votes to advance in the Senate. This is a great victory for CWALAC and all women hoping to continue to cultivate a culture of proper “work/life balance” and foster more freedom in the workforce.

National Women’s History Museum (NWHM): The CWALAC team continues to track the progress and movement of the National Women’s History Museum Commission Act. With Majority Leader Reid ready to push this through on a “fast track,” CWALAC will continue to do all it can both on and off the Hill to ensure that this bill does not come up for a vote on the Senate floor anytime soon! To see why CWALAC strongly opposes this new museum, click here. Take Action: Contact your senator now and tell them you OPPOSE the NWHM.