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Obama’s March Madness

By April 15, 2014Blog, News and Events

BarackBrackThis month, college basketball teams aren’t the only ones experiencing madness. The Supreme Court is also facing a rather eventful month.

While Obama was picking winning teams for his NCAA men’s bracket, he was also busy choosing who can and cannot make their own decisions regarding religious freedom. In the case of businesses like Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood, the Obama Administration is trying to decide for them.

On March 25, Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance and staff rallied with other groups outside the Supreme Court to defend religious freedom. Many CWA employees gathered for a prayer vigil that was followed by speakers like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who challenged the Obama Administration’s “contraceptive” mandate.  CWA also submitted an amicus brief in support of the faith-based organizations.

Contrary to popular opinion, Hobby Lobby’s healthcare plan does not deny its female employees access to birth control. Hobby Lobby actually allows 12 of the 16 contraceptive methods — leaving out only four of them, because those four contraceptives may prevent implantation.

According to the religious beliefs of the Greens, life begins at conception; therefore, if President Obama requires all 16 contraceptive methods to be provided, he will directly violate the Green family’s constitutionally protected religious freedoms. The same goes for the Hahn family. If Obama’s HHS mandate is allowed to stand, these companies would have to provide the four abortifacients or the government will fine them up to $1.3 million per day.

Granted, you may be thinking, “I’m concerned for these families, but this mandate doesn’t directly affect me.” However, this issue is much bigger than four contraceptives. The real issue is over religious liberty and the appropriateness of our government having the ability to dictate how we exercise our religious convictions.

Based on the amount of “upsets,” your March NCAA bracket picks might be a bust. …

But you can redeem yourself by getting involved in April’s madness! The Supreme Court decision over the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood cases are coming up, and we need your help. Find your Representative, call them, e-mail them, tweet at them, whatever you can do, and ask them to support H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act. This legislation lets businesses decide for themselves on matters that conflict with their religious beliefs. If you’d like to learn more about the legislation, please visit:

Hannah Wegman serves as executive assistant to the COO and is also an alumna of Concerned Women for America’s Ronald Reagan Memorial Internship Program. To learn more about an internship at Concerned Women for America, click here.

You can follow Hannah on Twitter at @hwegman30.