California Action Item: Tell Gov. Newsom to Shut All Abortion Clinics! Why are abortion businesses still operating when Gov. Gavin Newsom (Democrat) is shutting churches, schools,…Marlo TuckerApril 3, 2020
Kansas Action Item: Tell Gov. Kelly to Shut the Abortion Clinics! Why are abortion businesses like Trust Women still operating? Currently, across the United States, including…Barbara SaldivarApril 1, 2020
Pennsylvania Action Item: Tell Gov. Tom Wolf to Shut the Abortion Clinics! Why are abortion businesses still operating when Gov. Tom Wolf (Democrat) has closed non-essential businesses,…Dilonna CoranApril 1, 2020
Virginia Action Item: Tell Gov. Northam to Shut the Abortion Clinics! Why are abortion businesses still operating when Gov. Ralph Northam (Democrat) is shutting churches, schools,…Dr. Toni DeLanceyApril 1, 2020
BlogNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodSanctity of Life COVID-19 LETTER: Pro-life Leaders Warn of Abortion Industry Exploitation CWA signed on to a letter written to Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMarch 26, 2020
BlogNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodSocial / Cultural Issues Doreen Denny: Planned Parenthood Chose to Give up Federal Funding – It wasn’t Forced out of Title X Program CWA's Senior Director of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, wrote an op-ed featured on about…CWALAC StaffAugust 20, 2019
BlogFamily IssuesNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodSanctity of Life Planned Parenthood Withdraws From Title X Program Over Trump Rule CWA's Senior Director of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, was featured on NPR discussing Planned Parenthood's…CWALAC StaffAugust 19, 2019
BlogFeminist / Women's IssuesNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodPress ReleasesSanctity of Life CWA to Planned Parenthood: Choice is in Your Court, Not 9th Circuit’s WASHINGTON, DC – On Monday, August 19, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services must…CWALAC StaffAugust 16, 2019
BlogFeminist / Women's IssuesNews and EventsPlanned ParenthoodPress ReleasesSanctity of LifeSocial / Cultural Issues Concerned Women for America Celebrates Long-Overdue Enforcement of Life-Affirming Title X Rules Washington, D.C. – Earlier this week, the Trump Administration announced that restrictions over abortion-referrals…CWFA StaffJuly 17, 2019
Missouri Dispute over Planned Parenthood goes to Missouri Commission Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: License dispute over Missouri's last abortion clinic heads to…Bev EhlenJune 25, 2019
North Dakota Hear CWA of North Dakota this Thursday, June 27 Despite the concerns of many lawmakers and citizens like YOU, the president of North Dakota…Linda ThorsonJune 25, 2019
Missouri DHSS Gets it Right About Planned Parenthood Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: Fate of Missouri's only abortion clinic in hands of…Bev EhlenJune 23, 2019
Missouri Missouri Denies Planned Parenthood New License Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: Missouri denies Planned Parenthood new license to administer abortions…Bev EhlenJune 21, 2019
North Dakota Planned Parenthood and NDSU have teamed up AGAIN Planned Parenthood is using the backdoor to enter North Dakota schools by offering a free…Linda ThorsonMay 22, 2019
Georgia CWA of Georgia Event Updates (Past and Present) Future Events: Feisty & Feminine Workshops We are finalizing our plans for multiple, statewide Feisty…State StaffJuly 10, 2017
Georgia Stand For Life! Rallies at Planned Parenthood this Saturday, August 22 CWA of Georgia will be joining other pro-life groups this Saturday, August 22, 2015, as…State StaffAugust 18, 2015
Georgia Update! Georgia Agencies Complete Review of Planned Parenthood Southeast On July 26, 2015, Gov. Nathan Deal directed the Department of Community Health and the…State StaffAugust 18, 2015
Georgia The Horribly Gruesome Killing Fields Of Planned Parenthood – CWA of Georgia Responds In 1984, the movie The Killing Fields was released in theaters across America. The movie…State StaffJuly 29, 2015
Georgia Press Release: CWA of Georgia Applauds Gov. Deal’s Directive to Review Planned Parenthood Clinics Click here for press release.State StaffJuly 17, 2015
Georgia CWA of Georgia Thanks Gov. Nathan Deal and Asks You to Do the Same A hearty thank you to those who responded to our last e-alert concerning the undercover…State StaffJuly 17, 2015