Virginia Is, Or Is Not, the ERA Dead in Virginia? Thank you for joining with us in prayer over the last two weeks, asking the…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 23, 2019
Virginia We Need Your Help TODAY to Stop The Equal Rights Amendment! The battle continues to rage in Virginia to pass a state-level Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 17, 2019
Virginia Time for Women to Oppose the ERA ! A heartfelt thank you to all of those who responded to our last e-alert on…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 15, 2019
Virginia Meet the New State Director of CWA of Virginia, Toni DeLancey! Hello! My name is Toni DeLancey, and I am so excited to be your new…Tanya DittyJanuary 12, 2019
Virginia ERA Heads to the Senate Floor for a Vote – It Needs Your Opposition Now! A special thanks to all of you who responded to our last e-alert by contacting…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 11, 2019
Virginia State Director Makes Statement at Press Conference in Oppostion to the ERA Click here to view video. CWA of Virginia statement can be found at 10:15.Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 11, 2019
News and EventsVirginia State Director Testifies Before the Senate Privileges and Elections Committee in Oppostion to the ERA – watch video January 9, 2019 Senate Privileges and Elections Committee Testimony in Opposition to the Equal Rights…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 8, 2019
Virginia Vote to Take Place on the ERA and Marriage Amendment Tomorrow. Please Take Action Today! As you may or may not know, the first day of the Virginia General Assemble…Dr. Toni DeLanceyJanuary 8, 2019
Virginia Are You an Encourager? “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be…State StaffDecember 6, 2018
Virginia Update from CWA of Virginia: This Saturday’s Event in Support of Phillip Zodhiates, Sentenced to Three Years in Prison As you may recall from past e-alerts, Lisa Miller is the biological mother of Isabella…State StaffNovember 29, 2018
Virginia Attention Public School Parents in Loudoun County Are you a public school parent in Loudoun County, or know someone who is? It…State StaffAugust 10, 2018
Virginia Our U.S. Senators Need to Hear From Us Now Concerning Pro-life Legislation! Dear Friend, Please support this urgent appeal for the unborn from Penny Nance, Concerned Women…State StaffNovember 3, 2017
Virginia Be an Educated Voter on November 7! View Recommended Voter Guides Hello all! All eyes are on Virginia! This is an important election, and we want…State StaffOctober 25, 2017
Virginia Time to Sign up for the 2018 Encourage-A-Legislator Program We thank God for our wonderful volunteers who facilitate our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) project every year. …State StaffSeptember 21, 2017
Virginia Coffee & Conversation With Our Local Legislators The Forest Chapter of Concerned Women for America (CWA) sponsored a Coffee and Conversation with…State StaffApril 24, 2017
Virginia Liberty Students Travel to D.C. for Supreme Court Nominee Hearing Liberty News reports: "More than 90 Liberty University students traveled to Washington, D.C., on Tuesday…State StaffMarch 23, 2017
Virginia MARCH MADNESS: Two Bathroom Usage Cases Before The Courts in Virginia Last Thursday, the Virginia Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a lawsuit that challenges the lawless act committed…State StaffMarch 7, 2017
Virginia The Virginia Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Needs Your Support TODAY! The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, HB 1473, is a bill that deserves to…State StaffJanuary 30, 2017
Virginia Virginia Members: Call/Email Speaker Howell and Urge Him to Assign a Committee to HB 1473, Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act! Dear CWA of Virginia friend, As you all know, our 2017 Legislative Session kicked off…State StaffJanuary 18, 2017
Virginia CWA of Virginia Forest Chapter Goes to Capitol in Richmond On January 11, five members of the Concerned Women for America Forest Prayer/Action Chapter, led…State StaffJanuary 16, 2017