Pennsylvania Pennsylvanians: A curriculum transparency bill needs your voice! “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old…Dilonna CoranSeptember 30, 2021
Pennsylvania CWA of Pennsylvania Marches for Life! CWA of Pennsylvania was so proud to join other pro-life supporters at Pennsylvania's first march…Dilonna CoranSeptember 30, 2021
Pennsylvania Webinar: Do You Know Where Our Tax Dollar Are Going? As Americans, we often do not pay much attention to the work that the United…Dilonna CoranSeptember 30, 2021
Pennsylvania Prayer Ministry Opportunity Knocks “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16 Concerned Women for…Dilonna CoranSeptember 19, 2021
Pennsylvania Updates! First Annual Pennsylvania March for Life! Have you heard the latest? Abby Johnson (former Planned Parenthood director now pro-life advocate), Ryan…Dilonna CoranJuly 29, 2021
Pennsylvania CWA of Pennsylvania Responds to SCOTUS Win Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania State Director Dilonna Coran responds to today’s decision by…Dilonna CoranJune 17, 2021
Pennsylvania Act Today to Protect Victims of Sexual Exploitation The crime of sexual exploitation is one that plagues our state; of all the cases…Dilonna CoranJune 5, 2021
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Bills Moving – Action Needed! HUGE! The Pennsylvania House Health Committee recently passed three pro-life bills, and now the bills…Dilonna CoranJune 5, 2021
Pennsylvania Fairness in Girls’ Sports Bill Introduced “So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created…Dilonna CoranApril 16, 2021
Pennsylvania CWA of Pennsylvania Prayer Project Opportunity Do you want to make a powerful and effective investment in the state of Pennsylvania?…Dilonna CoranNovember 20, 2020
Pennsylvania Tell Gov. Tom Wolf to Inspect Pennsylvania Abortion Clinics! It is hard to believe that in a post-Kermit Gosnell world, abortion clinics in Pennsylvania…Dilonna CoranAugust 1, 2020
Pennsylvania August 24 Event: The Role of Faith in Law and Public Policy Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania is eagerly anticipating our upcoming statewide virtual meeting…Dilonna CoranJuly 31, 2020
Pennsylvania CWA of Pennsyvania – Update from State Director State-Wide Virtual Meeting in Review Our first Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania State-Wide…Dilonna CoranJune 5, 2020
PennsylvaniaStates Save The Date! CWA of Pennsylvania to Host State-Wide Virtual Prayer/Action Meeting Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania is looking forward to our first-ever state-wide virtual…Dilonna CoranMay 12, 2020
Pennsylvania iVoterGuide – A CWALAC Recommended Resource for the Pennsylvania Primary Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is pleased to be able to partner with…Tanya DittyApril 27, 2020
BlogNews and EventsPennsylvania Christian Conservative Group Targets Suburban Women in PA CWA's Chief Administrative Officer Kenda Bartlett was interviewed by John Cole, Managing Editor of PoliticsPA,…Dr. Toni DeLanceyApril 24, 2020
Pennsylvania Action Item: Tell Gov. Tom Wolf to Shut the Abortion Clinics! Why are abortion businesses still operating when Gov. Tom Wolf (Democrat) has closed non-essential businesses,…Dilonna CoranApril 1, 2020
Pennsylvania Embrace Peace As the new Concerned Women for America (CWA) State Director for Pennsylvania, I wanted to…Dilonna CoranMarch 30, 2020
Pennsylvania Postponed: CWA of Pennsylvania Tri-County Event Concerned Women for America of Pennsylvania is following the federal and state guidance concerning COVID-19.…Dilonna CoranMarch 10, 2020
Pennsylvania Welcome CWA of Pennsylvania’s First Steering Committee Member – Vanessa Saylor! Greetings from Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania! How exciting it has been for…Dilonna CoranFebruary 23, 2020