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August 24 Event: The Role of Faith in Law and Public Policy

By July 31, 2020Pennsylvania
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Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania is eagerly anticipating our upcoming statewide virtual meeting on Monday, August 24! Our topic will be the role of faith in law and public policy, and our guest speaker will be retired Superior Court of Pennsylvania Judge Cheryl Allen. Judge Allen will share reflections from her time on the bench, provide insights and wisdom that she has gained over her years of service, as well as her advice for Christian women regarding the current tumultuous state of political affairs in America.

We encourage you to mark your calendars and join us on August 24. Our topic is needed at a time when our nation so deeply requires prayer and the strengthening of leaders who will defend Biblical values. As we observe the fallen nature of this world and as we seek to defend Biblical principles against the daily onslaught of political attacks, it is a powerful encouragement to hear the testimonies of public figures of faith who have stood firm. Hearing Judge Cheryl Allen’s insights regarding faith in policy is an opportunity that you won’t want to miss!

Join us as we strive toward our goal to uplift our nation and the state of Pennsylvania in prayer!

Speaker’s bio is below the signature.

Event Details:
Monday, August 24
Time:  7:00 p.m. EST
Location: Virtual – Anywhere You Are!
Cost: Free
RSVP: Click here to register.
Upon registration, we will email you the link to the virtual meeting in addition to a phone number for those who would like to call into the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you on August 24.

Dilonna Coran
State Director

Speaker bio:
Judge Cheryl Allen is a graduate of Penn State University and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Judge Allen made history in 2007 when she became the first black woman to be elected to serve on the Pennsylvania Superior Court. Prior to this incredible achievement, Judge Allen worked as an attorney for 24 years from 1975 to 1990 and served 18 years as a judge for the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas from 1990 to 2008. Judge Allen has received numerous awards throughout her impressive career, including the University of Pittsburgh’s Women’s Law Association’s Woman of the Year Award in 2002 and the Legal Intelligencer & Pennsylvania Law Weekly Women of the Year Award in 2008.

Judge Allen is a founding member of Women Without Walls, a ministry seeking to unify Christian women regardless of denomination or ethnic background. The ministry explains, “Although we may worship at different churches, and although we may have different ethnic backgrounds, we are One in Christ. After all, the common bond weaving His spotless Bride together is the scarlet thread of Jesus Christ and His atoning blood.” This ministry is only one example of the tireless dedication to public service that Judge Allen has demonstrated throughout her career. After witnessing the struggles of children for years through her service in Juvenile Court, Judge Allen became active with organizations such as the Birth Parent Mentoring Program, which assists young single mothers, and Youth Enrichment Services Diversion Program, providing aid and mentorship to at-risk youths.