BlogSanctity of Life Health Care and the Dems’ Reality Problem Nancy Pelosi's reaction to the push-back from members of her party (64 of whom voted…CWALAC StaffMarch 8, 2010
KansasNational Sovereignty Springtime in America We think because we are Americans that we can rest on the laurels of past…CWALAC StaffMarch 8, 2010
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Project 535: CWA Members in D.C. There is a tendency, many believe, for those inside the Beltway to become engulfed by…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts CWALAC Stands Against the Expansion of Gambling in Alabama Listen to the current radio spot in Alabama to stop the current power grab by…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
Defense of FamilyPress Releases Statement on D.C. Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ "CWA not only joins with many citizens of Washington, D.C., and other like-minded organizations in…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
Washington 3-5-10 E-Alert Lack of Knowledge: I hope you are all paying careful attention to what our elected…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
Sexual Exploitation University Hosts a Coarse Exchange The University of Texas at San Antonio will host the annual Smut for Smut event,…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Files Supreme Court Brief To Protect Privacy of Petition Signers Washington, D.C. - Concerned Women for America (CWA) filed an Amicus Curiae brief in the…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
Alabama CWALAC Stands Against the Expansion of Gambling in Alabama Listen to the current radio spot in Alabama to stop the current power grab by…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
New Hampshire Pastors United For Marriage in New Hampshire Hosted by Pastor Jim Garlow with guests Ralph Reed, Chuck Colson, Elaine Driscoll and others.…CWALAC StaffMarch 5, 2010
North CarolinaSanctity of Life Abortion Affects More Than One Life A testimony of a mother who chose abortionCWALAC StaffMarch 4, 2010
Montana Concerned Women Roar Jeanetter Zentgraf, CWA of Montana Communications Coordinator, is quoted in the Missoula Independent on a…CWALAC StaffMarch 4, 2010
Defense of Family A Pro-Life and Pro-Taxpayer Win in Sycamore Township, Ohio Upon review of their health insurance plan, the Board of Trustees for Sycamore Township in…CWALAC StaffMarch 4, 2010
National Sovereignty Lifting the Ban on Open Homosexuals in the Military The issue of allowing homosexuals to serve openly in the military is a matter that…CWALAC StaffMarch 4, 2010
National SovereigntyPress Releases The Conservative Action Project: Dawn Johnsen Unsuitable for Crucial Legal Position at Department of Justice Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military ReadinessWilliam Wilson, President, Americans for Limited GovernmentMarjorie Dannenfelser, President,…CWALAC StaffMarch 4, 2010
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina presents – 2010 Get Out the Vote Campaign for Churches and Pastors Join with us as we encourage North Carolina churches and pastors to restore righteousness to…CWALAC StaffMarch 3, 2010
BlogDefense of Family Are You Pro-Family? Prove It. When did it get to be pro-family and conservative for politicians to abandon their wives…CWALAC StaffMarch 1, 2010
Maine Monumental Marriage Victory – great article by Citizen Magazine – February 2010 In the heart of liberal New England, Maine churches came together to stop the gay…CWALAC StaffFebruary 27, 2010
Blog America’s Chief Health Officers Don’t like ObamaCare Did you know that American women control 80 percent of the health care decisions made…CWALAC StaffFebruary 26, 2010
Ohio Taking a Stand for the 10th Amendment H.C.R. 11 The State Sovereignty Resolution H.C.R. 11 was introduced so the state of Ohio…CWALAC StaffFebruary 26, 2010