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Statement on D.C. Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

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“CWA not only joins with many citizens of Washington, D.C., and other like-minded organizations in denouncing the legalization of same-sex ‘marriage,’ but pledges to work closely with them in bringing this issue to the ballot so the people of D.C. have their say. When the issue of same-sex ‘marriage’ is put to a vote of the people, it loses every time.

“Marriage has been upheld in statewide votes in 31 states, including supposedly liberal bastions such as Maine, Oregon, Michigan and twice in California. The people of D.C. have the right to decide whether or not marriage is between a man and a woman, or if it is to be redefined entirely by political activists.

“This is an issue that reaches across the usual divisions by party or race or income class. In California, 70 percent of African-American voters – of whom virtually all voted for Barack Obama for president – voted for Proposition 8 to protect marriage. Marriage and family are foundational underpinnings of our society, and voters in 31 different states have treated them that way. It is not for legislatures or courts to decide whether or not these fundamental institutions will be redefined. The people of D.C. have yet to speak, and we will ensure they get that opportunity.”