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Calls Needed! Taxpayer Funding for Transgender Treatment Heads to Senate Floor

By August 25, 2020California
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Assembly Bill 2218 passed the Senate Health Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee and it could be heard on the Senate floor as early as today, August 25.  And, because of recent minor amendments to the bill it will have to return to the Assembly floor for a concurrence vote.

As you’ve learned from previous alerts here, here, and here, AB 2218 establishes a Transgender Wellness and Equity Fund to encourage, promote, and provide the means for sex-change operations, cross-sex hormones, and puberty-blocking drugs to minors and adults. The taxpayer funds to provide grants were originally set at $15 million, but now there is no limitation – simply “as appropriated by the Legislature.”

Take action today to help us stop this dangerous bill!

  1. Contact both your state senator and assembly member asking for a “no” vote on AB 2218. Find your senator and assembly member here. Be sure to let them know you are a member of Concerned Women for America of California.
  2. Forward this email to friends and family.

The legislative session will end on Monday, August 31, so AB 2218 could be heard any time during the next several days, first in the Senate and then the Assembly. Do not delay in contacting your elected officials.

Please pray: Father, please help our senators and assembly members to understand the enormity of this vote and to understand Your truth about our creation, male and female, in Your image. Give them the wisdom and COURAGE to say “no” to this bill. Protect our vulnerable children and give their parents the wisdom to guide and protect them throughout their lives. Lord may Your will be done in California. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

We thank you for your prayers and action once again. You are our faithful warriors!

Marlo Tucker
State Director