New! 2015 Legislative Wrap Up

By April 20, 2015Georgia

The fast-paced 2015 Georgia legislative session came to a close at midnight on April 2. The 40-day session opened on January 12, and State Director Tanya Ditty represented your interests as a volunteer lobbyist with a physical presence at the State Capitol throughout the entire legislative session.

Concerned Women for America’s seven core issues are: Sanctity of Life, Defense of Family, Education, Religious Liberty, National Sovereignty, Sexual Exploitation, and Support for Israel. Legislation this session encompassed several of these core issues. On-the-ground lobbying efforts combined with grassroots prayer and action gets results! Without calls and e-mails from CWA members and friends, successes would have been more difficult to achieve.

New this year! CWA of Georgia is now scoring key legislation that aligns to our core issues. In addition to our Targeted Bills List, we now provide you with a State Legislative Scorecard so you can see how your legislators are voting on bills that impact our culture. Check out CWA of Georgia’s targeted bills and scorecard.

Click here to read our legislative update.

Tanya Ditty
State Director