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Georgia’s Heartbeat Passes!

By March 29, 2019Georgia

We are thrilled to report that this afternoon, March 29, the Georgia House of Representatives voted 92-78 to send HB 481, the “heartbeat bill,” to Gov. Brian Kemp for his signature. The Governor worked to help pass this bill and is expected to sign it.

HB 481 will protect unborn children from abortion as soon as they have a detectable heartbeat (about six weeks). While not perfect, this is by far the most significant piece of pro-life legislation passed in Georgia since Roe v. Wade was handed down in 1973.

Republican senators and representatives by and large held firm to their pro-life principles and withstood strident demands from pro-abortion forces (including Hollywood) to vote in favor of the culture of death. You can see the various votes here once the final vote is posted on the website. Please take a moment to contact the members of the legislature who voted YES and thank them for their faithfulness.

We encourage you to send a special word of thanks to the bill’s chief sponsor, Rep. Ed Setzler (R-Acworth), and Governor Kemp for all their work.

  • Kemp’s contact information: No contact form or phone number available. Please write to The Office of the Governor, 206 Washington Street, Suite 203, State Capitol, Atlanta, GA 30334
  • Setzler’s contact information: Phone 404-656-7857 | E-mail

And thank YOU all for your calls, your emails, your Capitol visits, and especially your prayers to get this bill over the finish line. You made the difference!

Tanya Ditty
State Director

Jane Robbins
Legislative Liaison