National Sovereignty A Christian Response to the Fiscal Crisis As a nation, we must reduce our fiscal mess. But Christians suggesting entitlement reform are…CWALAC StaffAugust 5, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty Self-Evident Truths, Part X: Thou Shall Not Covet The commandment reveals a deep understanding of the human heart, which is simply indispensable to…CWALAC StaffJuly 31, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty Senate Nuclear Showdown Needs Jack Bauer This is not about obstruction. As I have noted before, this nuclear threat comes as…CWALAC StaffJuly 16, 2013
BlogDefense of FamilyNational SovereigntySanctity of Life The Issue Is Not Hillary’s Age; It Is Her Politics and Legacy of Scandals According to a recent New York Times story, the Republicans are targeting Hillary Clinton’s age.…CWALAC StaffJuly 3, 2013
National Sovereignty Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy Planned Parenthood. ACORN. Voter Fraud. James O'Keefe, investigative journalist, chronicles his daring undercover investigations and…CWALAC StaffJuly 1, 2013
BlogDefense of FamilyNational Sovereignty In the Midst of Destruction As Christians, we believe that marriage is a union between a husband and wife that…CWALAC StaffJune 28, 2013
National SovereigntyPress Releases Concerned Women for America Comments on Women in Combat WASHINGTON, D.C.-The Pentagon today announced its schedule for integrating women into front-line combat by 2016.…CWALAC StaffJune 18, 2013
National SovereigntyWashington Choices: “Christ or Chaos, Conviction or Compromise, Discipline or Disintegration” June 2013 Action AlertCWALAC StaffJune 17, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty More Evidence of IRS Bias Against Pro-Life Groups In the midst of the IRS scandal, a new audio recording has surfaced that will…CWALAC StaffJune 12, 2013
National Sovereignty Today, a movement is born! A people "willing" to stand for GOD's principles, whatever the…CWALAC StaffJune 10, 2013
BlogNational Sovereignty Our Go-To Solution In these moments, I must recall the assurances throughout Scripture that “God reigns over the…CWALAC StaffJune 4, 2013
National SovereigntyPress Releases Support for Hobby Lobby in Light of Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate CWA CEO and President Penny Nance Urges Support for Hobby Lobby in Light of Lawsuit…CWALAC StaffMay 22, 2013
National Sovereignty Pray for Moore, Oklahoma "From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven…CWALAC StaffMay 21, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty DIAZ: The Worst Part is it All Could Have Been Prevented Concerned Women for America (CWA) has been calling for the Attorney General's resignation since March…CWALAC StaffMay 17, 2013
National SovereigntyPress Releases Clinton Administration IRS Targeted CWA for Harassment Nance: "CWA spent seven years and upwards of $25,000 cooperating with the IRS in completely…CWALAC StaffMay 13, 2013
National Sovereignty Washington – A Man of Prayer Event On May 8, 2013, we will again gather in our nation's Capital to honor this…CWALAC StaffApril 30, 2013
National Sovereignty CWA Responds to the Boston Marathon Tragedy Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the explosions in Boston today. What…CWALAC StaffApril 15, 2013