BlogDefense of Family Reviving the Mommy Wars What was it both Barbara Bush and Jacqueline Kennedy said? If you fail at being…CWALAC StaffApril 12, 2012
BlogNational Sovereignty United Nations Measures World’s Happiness According to a recent report published by a U.K.-based Christian Medical Fellowship, on average, Christians…CWALAC StaffApril 12, 2012
Defense of Family Only “Real” Women Count Words cannot describe how sorry I feel for this woman. The most amazing thing about…CWALAC StaffApril 12, 2012
Defense of FamilyPress Releases CWA Responds to Rosen’s Ann Romney Comment Hilary Rosen is wrong on so many levels. Stay-at-home moms hold the purse strings for…CWALAC StaffApril 12, 2012
North Dakota Healing the Choice – Loving thoughts of a CWA member for women that have aborted their children "What is beautiful is that these women are no longer stuck there, in all that…CWALAC StaffApril 11, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Talking Points: ObamaCare ObamaCare forces Americans to violate their consciences. This is an absolute infringement upon religious liberty.CWALAC StaffApril 10, 2012
Legislative Updates Legislative Update for April 6, 2012 Even though Congress was not in session, and it was Good Friday and the beginning…CWALAC StaffApril 6, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life Grateful for Unexpected Blessings I left that barn renewed, and I can still hear the joy of this precious…CWALAC StaffApril 5, 2012
Legal What About Obama’s Supreme Court Comments? The comments by President Obama are factually wrong. And his attempt to use the term…CWALAC StaffApril 5, 2012
LegalNational Sovereignty DOMA Attack Hearing at the First Circuit The Obama Administration and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are doing everything they can to…CWALAC StaffApril 5, 2012
LegalNational Sovereignty Why Christians Cannot Hate Homosexuals The bottom line is a Christian must behave like a Christian. Or he or she…CWALAC StaffApril 5, 2012
Sanctity of Life Stand for Life! Well-known Christian author John Ensor shares advice to teens and college students who want to…CWALAC StaffApril 3, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life Give Me Liberty! Contrary to President Obama's assertions, Americans care more about living free lives than receiving free…CWALAC StaffApril 2, 2012
Pennsylvania Now I Have a Purpose Putting faces to names makes a difference when you're representing people.CWALAC StaffApril 2, 2012
Maine State Director Speaks at the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally – March 23 – Concord It was a moving event with praise, prayer and exhortation. View pictures and read Penny…CWALAC StaffMarch 30, 2012
BlogNational Sovereignty Moral Relativity and Religion Why are moral relativists confused by religion? Does the concept of living by standards and…CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Congress Needs RSC Budget to Get Fiscal House in Order Recently, RSC proposed a contrasting budget in hopes of reining in government spending and reducing…CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2012
Legal Day 3 Recap, Part II:It Finishes How it Started The arguments definitely finished how it all started on day 1- with disaster for the…CWALAC StaffMarch 29, 2012