Sanctity of Life BREAKING: Democrats Refuse to Protect Baby Girls The headline says it all. The majority of Democrats don't want to protect baby girls…CWALAC StaffMay 31, 2012
Defense of FamilyLegal Anemic DOMA Ruling from the First Circuit The desicion feels like a father feels right after his son tells him he was…CWALAC StaffMay 31, 2012
BlogSanctity of Life We Know by Faith Science is God’s realm, no matter what worldly wise men like Mr. Fox say.CWALAC StaffMay 25, 2012
BlogDefense of Family A Match Made in … um … The White House. This peculiar reasoning has apparently proved to be enough of a mandate for the administration…CWALAC StaffMay 25, 2012
Maine Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally – Friday, June 8 – Augusta Co-sponsored by Concerned Women for America of Maine and 40 Days For Life.CWALAC StaffMay 24, 2012
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) We cannot keep the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) submerged, no matter how hard…CWALAC StaffMay 22, 2012
Ohio Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally – Cincinnati – June 8 State Director Bobbi Radeck to speak at event.CWALAC StaffMay 22, 2012
Sanctity of Life CWA Statement on Catholic Institutions’ Lawsuit vs. Obama Administration on Contraception Mandate It's not a women's health issue; it's a religious freedom issue.CWALAC StaffMay 21, 2012
Defense of FamilyLegal DIAZ: Obama ignitessame-sex marriageissue – President’s ‘personal opinion’becomes policy President Obama has completely sold out to this movement, and he has chosen to ignore…CWALAC StaffMay 21, 2012
Blog Women Be Aggressive! By learning more about the Muslim mindset — by understanding their culture and worldview —…CWALAC StaffMay 17, 2012
North Carolina God’s Model for Marriage Triumphs in North Carolina North Carolina should be a model for all other states considering this issue. It is…CWALAC StaffMay 17, 2012
Maine Maine Same-Sex Marriage Update Is Same-Sex "Marriage" coming to Maine? Not if we can help it! Find out how…CWALAC StaffMay 15, 2012
Ohio Heartbeat Bill Update – Action Alert and This Saturday’s Heartbeat Rally in Columbus Your involvement is vital! Find out what part you are to play in getting the…CWALAC StaffMay 14, 2012
Defense of FamilyLegal God’s Model for Marriage Triumphs in North Carolina North Carolina should be a model for all other states considering this issue. It is…CWALAC StaffMay 11, 2012
South Dakota Dislike Over Faith Groups’ Help Read Cindy Flakoll's published Argus Leader letter telling how the ACLU opposes religious liberty.CWALAC StaffMay 11, 2012
Defense of Family The Miracle of Adoption This Mother's Day, Concerned Women for America wants to celebrate the love and sacrifice that…CWALAC StaffMay 10, 2012
Defense of Family What Obama must not say about those who don’t support President Obama knows all too well that sexual behavior and race are not the same…CWALAC StaffMay 9, 2012
North Carolina National Press Release: CWA Applauds North Carolina for Supporting Traditional Marriage Nance: "Concerned Women for America believes traditional marriage and families are the backbone of our…CWALAC StaffMay 9, 2012
Defense of FamilyPress Releases CWA Applauds North Carolina for Supporting Traditional Marriage We commend the voters of North Carolina for standing up for traditional marriage - defining…CWALAC StaffMay 9, 2012