Legislative Updates Legislative Update for January 18, 2013 The Senate was out of session but returns with a vengeance. The House was briefly…CWALAC StaffJanuary 18, 2013
Virginia CWA of Virginia Had a LargeTurnout to Pro-Life Events in Richmond on January 9, 2013 It was a wonderful time for over 30 members who made the trip to Richmond…CWALAC StaffJanuary 18, 2013
Blog Youth Narcissist Epidemic Warning Young people who are higher on drugs than ever, drunker than ever, smoking more, tattooed…CWALAC StaffJanuary 16, 2013
North Dakota The 2013 North Dakota Legislative Session is Officially Under Way! During this 80-day session, we urge all members to participate as grassroots activists by praying…CWALAC StaffJanuary 16, 2013
Iowa Prayer Vigil – As We Mourn 40 Years of Roe vs. Wade – Monday, January 21 Come Join Concerned Women for America of Iowa As we pray and hear Pro-Life speaker…CWALAC StaffJanuary 16, 2013
North Dakota NDSU Partnering with Abortion Industry! Take action now to protect North Dakota's teens!CWALAC StaffJanuary 16, 2013
North Dakota The Partnership between NDSU and Planned Parenthood has been cancelled! Rejoice with us and be sure to thank President Bresciani.CWALAC StaffJanuary 15, 2013
BlogSanctity of Life The Blessing of Down Syndrome Prenatal testing can come as both a blessing and a curse. In the United States,…CWALAC StaffJanuary 14, 2013
Maine Hands Around The Capitol Pro-Life Event A Big Success Again This Year! Hundreds gathered to support life in the state of Maine as the Capitol bell rang…CWALAC StaffJanuary 14, 2013
Missouri Prayer/Action Chapter Opportunities in Missouri Find out if there is a chapter in your area and/or how to start one.…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2013
Missouri Midwest March for Life – Saturday, Jan. 19 – Jefferson City. Pro Life dinner in Jefferson City, Friday, Jan. 18 Join us as we march from the Governor's mansion to the rally at the Missouri…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2013
Missouri Annual Consent of the Governed Rally at the Missouri State Capitol – Wednesday, Jan 16 Your attendance will make a difference. Come hear inspirational speakers and meet your state representative…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2013
Missouri CWA of MO – St. Louis Second Saturday – Jan. 12 Letitia Wong will help us connect the dots...abortion, slavery, sex/human trafficking, reproductive technologies and end…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2013
Missouri CWA of MO – St. Louis – Study on the Constitution – Mondays, beginning Jan. 7 A twelve week study on the U.S. Constitution based on the book The Five Thousand…CWALAC StaffJanuary 12, 2013
Legislative Updates Legislative Update for January 11, 2013 The Senate was set up to be a much more deliberative body. Now, Reid is…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013
Texas CWA of South Texas was Honored to Host Retired Justice Darrell White Justice White presented the Harlan Tradition Bible to incoming judges.CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013
LegalNational Sovereignty DIAZ: Harry Reid’s shady filibuster reform He is tinkering with the very essence of the Founders' idea of checks and balances.…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013
North Dakota On 6:30 Point of View: Can Women Have It All? Janne Myrdal interviewed in The Hot Box. View it at valleynewslive.com. Scroll though till you…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013
Defense of Family CWALAC CEO and President Penny Nance Calls for Less Focus on Gun Control and More Focus on Who Controls the Guns Shouldn't Parents' Television Council, who works tirelessly to protect our children from the glorified violence…CWALAC StaffJanuary 11, 2013